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Has the Call Of Duty Franchise reached its deadline?

Has it.  

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  1. 1. Has it really?

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I think personally CoD is getting a bit boring. But I don't completely hate the franchise that much too dispise it, it just doesn't wet my appetite in terms of playing the game anymore. FPS are a great genre, but only if they are not released every year. They might get released like that to keeps things rolling for their fans.


I just don't find myself challenged as such, just my opinion though. I have enjoyed the game series up to Black Ops back in '10, but not afterwards. Do i think it's reached it's deadline?, I think in a way, yes, but I can't really judge a game if I don't play it, even though I have played the franchise since MW, but maybe because I can't see a big difference in later releases that doesn't make me want to play the game anymore.


MW2 was the last good one.

Black Ops 2 is the best CoD IMO. the game may be dying for regular casual players, but CoD has became the #1 competitive FPS..

it will be broadcast on ESPN and ABC during XGames (June 6-8)..


Ghosts is the worst CoD IMO. but it is growing fast on the competitive scene. Another reason why i think BO2 is good because it was made for competitive. that's the only reason why i play.


for those who doesn't play competitively, Yes, Infinity Ward is killing the game. Not for Treyarch/Sledgehammer.



for age, i think most 8-14 kids are quick scopers

however, competitive players are usually 17+ ,because to be entered an tournament, you need to be at least 18 YO.

Edited by bryannned
Biohazard Abyss

BO2 would be the best if they didn't make quick-scoping so easy. It's plagued by all the quick-scopers with the ballista and such, making it feel like Modern Warfare 2 and its Intervention.

Homemade Dynamite

The last COD I played and the only one I own is Black Ops. I've never really understood the fuss really. Some people act like its existence is a personal to them. I'm definitely not a fan of the franchise in general (Not a huge fan of FPSs), but I don't see the point ranting and raving like some people do that it's the same sh*t year after year.


It's obviously still a very good seller so I doubt it'll be ended anytime soon. Some people should swallow their pride and accept it rather than stressing over arguably the most successful franchise of the modern generation.

I thought that was GTA, since it obliterated all of Call of Duty's records.


I have to admit though, I do prefer Treyarch as a developer not because of WaW, BO, BOII, but for the only (I think anyway) the only good 007 game in the Activision era which is QoS (Quantum Of Solace).

And remember PS2 Spider-Man games!


I prefer Treyarch too. IW used to be the ones pushing the boundaries, but I prefer even WaW and BO1 to IW's games. Partly because I like period pieces, but also because I've never felt the same enthusiasm from IW's games. Maybe it's my fault, because I never played MW2, so my only experience with the studio was CoD 4 and MW3. But when I compared MW3 to BO1, I just felt Treyarch themselves were having much more fun working on the game and really putting their best into it. MW3 felt very phoned in, a real cash grab. I admit, it was a good game and I had fun playing it, but it lacked heart. It's like Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies compared to Marc Webb's Amazing Spider-Man. And what I've heard about BOII and Ghosts only reinforced my feelings.

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