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It could be worse...

Izhevsk M44

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Izhevsk M44

The new Call of Duty has been announced. "Advanced Warfare" they are calling it.


Looks like a rip off of BF 2142.


And it has Kevin Spacey...?

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at least you can spawn in jets, in battlefield








oh, i misread and thought you were mosin nagant

cod just needs to die, or become just one big mmo so they can lay out all the problems, etc

Edited by Killzone3265
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Lol reminds me of the comparison of their "new AI for fish "



And then Mario 64 had them beat by 15 yrs.


So Ill never play any COD games again.

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How did I end up on the Righteous Slaughter Forums.

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Yeah!Call of Dooty rocks!!!111(sarcasm)

Advanced warfare huh?Now people will spawn with Nuclear Launcher and the Pencil of Doom eh?

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...The game looks good, It will be Slendgehammer's first full COD title so it should be the first "new" COD in a while.

Edited by Sh4d0wX32111
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Biohazard Abyss


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