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Funniest/Favourite R* Facebook Comments

Deadly Aviator

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Deadly Aviator

Does anyone here follow R* on facebook? There is never any useful information or anything like that (usually reposts from newswire), but I find the futile posts people make, and Rockstar's blatant ignorance of them quite hilarious (The only R* comment reply I have seen was about the tommy gun disappearing).


Most posts will have "GTA V for PC" on the first page, and the rants (and parodies of rants) are comedy, I don't know why these people waste their time.


On the most recent post about some crew there are some funny comments like this:


"Dude nobody cares. All the crews you guys advertise are full of douche bags"


"Seriously. NO BODY CARES! Release this stupid DLC already! Nobody gives a single crap about Content Creator or Crew Cuts or Special Events. If I could give GTA Online an award, it would be "Biggest Let-Down of 2013." I hope that hurt someone's feelings."


Also I think that the posters on FB give a much better indication of the main player base of GTA compared to this forum, comments like "Zombiemode please !" or "Pleace make GTA V for PC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pleace! Pleace, Pleace!" get tons of likes =p.


Anyone have any favourite comments?

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This is why I quit FB.
This is not only limited to R*'s page...the entire page is just exaggerated fluff drama by entitled tweens...

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Tali vas Normandy

If I a chrome adder for every time I've seen a bring gtaV to pc post.


Can't believe morons on facebook think R* or any other company actually reads that garbage.

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This has nothing to do with GTA Online.

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