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Do people that reach lvl 120 slowly become freeroam trolls?


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J. Belfort

I would assume the correlation between trolling in free roam and level achievement is negative. Once you've spent that much time playing this game, you start to see it as a menial and petty venture. That is, unless, you're confronted first...

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Yeah I troll sometimes since I have like $7 million at level 190 - R* should make incentives for high level players

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yes! Every single one of them no exceptions

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Miss Malevolent

yes! Every single one of them no exceptions

You forgot your sarcasm tags.

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This is what i found to happen, slowly stop grinding missions and survivals as they are pointless, all race mods unlocked so no need for those either, thoughts?

Race mods unlock at 120? I might have a reason to start playing again (unless you worded your sentence wrong and I'm still forced to race to unlock stuff).

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This is what i found to happen, slowly stop grinding missions and survivals as they are pointless, all race mods unlocked so no need for those either, thoughts?

Race mods unlock at 120? I might have a reason to start playing again (unless you worded your sentence wrong and I'm still forced to race to unlock stuff).



He meant that all race mods are unlocked from previous levels

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The more I played the game, the more bored I got, the more I started to troll.


Did my first tank rampage at level 94. Level 96 now and I've lost count of my tank rampages.

Edited by shootingallovertheplace
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