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Heists... PvP or Player vs A.I.? What would you like?


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Would of made a Poll about this but the Poll option isn't showing up for me. What would you rather have Heists like?


PvP (Players vs Players) One sides the crew robbing the bank and the other side are cops/noose who try to take down the crew.




Players vs A.I. Players vs the traditional A.I. controlled cops/noose.

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AI can barely do a 3-point-turn without crashing into something so shooting wouldn't be any better :p

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PvAI - 4 players or so

PVP- more players in the game

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Both. I loved Cops and Crooks with friends in GTA IV but would also like a more PvE experience as well.

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Do not want pvp. I hate those heist captures, and I don't play death matches.

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I prefer overwhelming number of ai enemy,pvp will turn the bloody heist into another capture or deathmatch,Hell No! :miranda:We have enough free roam deathmatches as it is

Edited by Biff73
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Pvp would make a lot of people rage but would be really challenging.

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I tried a TDM in the bank, was a terrible clusterf*ck. Heists need to be PVE I think. Maybe if a good spawn system in the bank was implemented or you only got one life. I think I'd still prefer PVE though.

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Grand Theft Amanda

Players vs AI for me because in PVP every1 would be a camper.

I don't play DM because of this.

Where is the fun in that?

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Having both options would be a good move by R* but i definitely prefer PvE.

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Good idea in theory but how much would the cops get paid if the heists is successful?

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I want Co-Op, as it will indeed be.


EDIT: Ok, I misread the second option, P-vs-AI.

Edited by gorskiegangsta
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For those who like pvp,go play 1st person shooters,much more responsive & challenging :lol:

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Considering Heists have since day one mentioned the teamwork needed from you and your crew - then I'm gonna want what was said and what makes sense. Especially considering there's no divergence to this in SP.


You + team vs A.I.


Now would a future game mode as some have already mentioned that pits you against fellow players be cool? Absolutely.

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Both options would be preety cool: PVP and PvAI

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There is a PvP version of the Pacific Bank heist btw: http://rsg.ms/RdPN3m

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PVA.I. for the simple fact that I always get matched up with d*cks ,in almost all PVP games and game modes, that manage find the most "creative" ways to ruin the game for everyone else.

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Definetly vs AI.


PvP won't be heists, that'll just be freeroam

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Either would be fine. Both would be better.

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Oh, allow PVP you pussies.

Cops Vs Crooks was arguably the most used feature in GTA 4. I'd LOVE to see that brought back in Heists.

The AI is going to make it suck. Why? NOTHING IS HARD AGAINST THE AI. That's the damn truth. EVERYTHING is easy against the AI.

Do you really want heists to be a breeze? Come on. And don't say "if u wan violence go play cod lolz".

I'm not saying GTA needs to be a brutal murder fest. I don't treat it like that. But a heists PVP experience would be pretty damn awesome. Smart cops? Awwwwwwww shieeeeeeut.

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In as small of regard I hold the coming heists, I would really hate the concept if they were PvP.


Players vs AI is my vote.

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If i wanted heist to be PvP, then i would play a heist themed capture mode.

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No PVP please. I only say this because I know people will find some bullsh*t way to cheat or troll and ruin heists. They're gong to cheat and troll anyway but I figure it will be less frequent, I want to do heists with friends who I know aren't going to pull any stupid sh*t.

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Good idea in theory but how much would the cops get paid if the heists is successful?

"Dirty Cops vs. Crooks"


Same take in the end!

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Please god not PVP, I'm positive trolls would somehow ruin them

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