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How many cars do you still have from your Original Garage?


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slot 1: Sabre

slot 6: Hexer

slot 7: Bagger

slot 8: Bagger

slot 9: Daemon


those vehicles have never changed. slot 10 only change once. Sanchez to Akuma.

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5 just the ce cars and social club car and the sand king

Edited by bikerman3
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entity and adder. I had the oracle sport 2 at the beginning, sold it, got it back, sold it again and got it back again

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My Sabre Turbo was my first PV and I still have it.





I don't remember what the other car in the garage was. It's long gone, but it's in this photo. Looks like a Dominator maybe?



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Sandking. Akuma. Sultan. Voltic.


Cheetah. Stinger GT.

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Is this The Guy?

None. Think the longest I have had in my garage was the cheetah and that's been a few months at most.

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This isn't my original Gresley but it got me though a lot of hard times before i could afford to buy a decent car so i felt i needed to pay homage to it and bring it back into my garage and i drive it regularly it's a fast SUV too.



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Daemon, Carbonizzare, and Infernus.

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i don't have any of my cars from my first garage when gtao first came out (since i deleted my first character and created a new one).

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3. Carbonizzare, Sandking XL and Phoenix. The first car I bought and first 2 stolen acquisitions.

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I've changed only 1 car after I fullfill my garrage.

Edited by oscardo
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I still have the Dominator I stole literally on the first day. When you have to rob a store for the first time with someone else. It's been in spot number 1 of my garage ever since

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Still got my Elegy RH8, the Dominator I stole and had in my sweet 2 car garage is now just a memory.

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None. I am constantly changing my garage day by day basis.


The only car which has stayed in my garage since purchase is the Albany Roosevelt.

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All of them are originals. All bought with glitched money in October and then again in January. The DLC cars sucked and so if I did buy them, I sold them to make room for less sheety cars

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Almighty Scorpion

I'd say roughly half of the cars I've owned have been replaced for one reason or another. Two were forced (Sheriff's SUV, Rat Loader), one was replaced with a more useful model (Sandking SWB to XL), and the rest I got rid of because I either didn't want to keep them any more, wanted a better performing car in its class, didn't like the way it looked, or wanted to free up a spot for a permanent car (I had a spot dedicated to storing the higher sale price vehicles to LSC in case none spawned up for me in free roam, which I wound up freeing up for my Roosevelt).

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am krooked

Was thinking about making a topic like this OP :)


I have a bunch of super cars and sh*t I bought legit, but if we're takin it way back when, I have my first car ever from my 2 car garage, my Elegy RH8 :)

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