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We need actual 'activities' in our apartments

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Why not bring back playing Pool and Air Hockey? Imagine playing Pool and Air Hockey with actual real-life people in GTA Online? I would much rather play those than Golf and Tennis... Just to kill time if you want to get away from Free Roaming and the other game modes for a few.


How about making drinking in apartments fun too? How about bringing back that one drinking mini-game that was in GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony? First one to NOT throw up while downing a bottle of champagne is the winner. The losers would find themselves passed out at any random location on the map. Also, you know that 'green juice' in certain apartments? How about when you drink that you get a little health boost? ---> *Green juice gives a temporary health boost, 10-25 percent.*



Which also brings me to my next question... We currently have different areas on the mao/radar where we could arm wrestle. Why not remove them off the map/radar and let us arm wrestle in apartments when other players stop by? Much more convenient than having to drive all the way to an arm wrestling blip on the map/radar. Just have it set up in apartments.

Edited by BestLawyerInTown
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I bet all of this exists but is being held back to sell us further down the line.

Same deal with the BB courts and the weights and so on, I'm certain that they finished that stuff and then just removed the triggers and interactive mechanics.

I just ain't buying that "we focused on graphics and gameplay" bull. They said the same thing for IV and yet this one has even less of the extra things to do than IV did.
It's PS3 and XBOX360, these were current until 6 months ago.

For mini-games and other such activities to be pushed aside in a game that was in development for such a long time and with all the feedback directed at them from fans of the series on such topics, it all just stinks of removal/hype/re-introduction for profit, or worse the illusion of these things being/looking possible to entice those interested to keep on playing in the hopes of future releases.

Mr Fyn666

Me thinks there will be a sports/entertainments DLC at a price that may include free roam current activities in an apartment



arm wrestle

table tennis (mechanics not dissimilar to tennis)


and of course pool which must be in the code somewhere

There should be a poker table too, maybe you could invite some of the strippers round and have strip poker.


The pool table idea sounds good, I've wanted to play pool in GTA5 from day one. The open gym on the beach should be able to be used also, to make your Strength stat higher, and obviously change the appearance of your character so they don't all look the same.

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You know what our apartments need? They should have a interactive stereo where you can change the station, a stripper pole, pool table, table for arm wrestling, strobe lights, champaign, a drinking mini game, arcade games, poker/card games, a personal chef we can hire kind of like the mechanic so we don't have to eat that nasty a*s gas station food, a maid i mean who else is pick up my dirty drawers while im out kicking a*s. I want a dog like chop to go fetch my paper and bite the s*it out of the sqeakers who keep ringing my d*mn doorbell. H*ll lets just make it just like the sims while we are at it.


You know what our apartments need? They should have a interactive stereo where you can change the station, a stripper pole, pool table, table for arm wrestling, strobe lights, champaign, a drinking mini game, arcade games, poker/card games, a personal chef we can hire kind of like the mechanic so we don't have to eat that nasty a*s gas station food, a maid i mean who else is pick up my dirty drawers while im out kicking a*s. I want a dog like chop to go fetch my paper and bite the s*it out of the sqeakers who keep ringing my d*mn doorbell. H*ll lets just make it just like the sims while we are at it.

If I worked at R* I would definitely suggest adding everything you just mentioned.

Dancing. I know it'll be boring after the first few times but there's music in the apartments and when you get a lot of players in it'll be quite funny. Also the ones who pull off the most accurate moves would get the best RP, be like a little minigame in the apartments.

Edited by EarlyLifeFailure

I'd be okay if they got rid of the apartment interiors all together. I never use it.


I guess some mini games might give me a reason to use it but I'd rather have some big interiors (hospital/hotel/mall) that we could have gun battles in more so.


I'd be okay if they got rid of the apartment interiors all together. I never use it.


I guess some mini games might give me a reason to use it but I'd rather have some big interiors (hospital/hotel/mall) that we could have gun battles in more so.


I'm with you on this, I've got my spawn location set to random or garage, haven't been in my apartment for weeks...


You know what our apartments need? They should have a interactive stereo where you can change the station, a stripper pole, pool table, table for arm wrestling, strobe lights, champaign, a drinking mini game, arcade games, poker/card games, a personal chef we can hire kind of like the mechanic so we don't have to eat that nasty a*s gas station food, a maid i mean who else is pick up my dirty drawers while im out kicking a*s. I want a dog like chop to go fetch my paper and bite the s*it out of the sqeakers who keep ringing my d*mn doorbell. H*ll lets just make it just like the sims while we are at it.

there is a maid i once had a maid bill


I don't get it. Who here do anything else than watching TV, smoke, drink or get a lap dance when in their appartment in real life?


If they must really had something it's the ability to watch weird videos and weird forums on the internet. They should also had the ability to sit like a non lifer nerd on your computer chair because that's what I do all the time.

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