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Hexers Angels Xbox360 GTA5:Online RECRUITING!

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Crew/Gang Name: Hexers Angels

About: Motorcycle Club(MC) EST. 4/18/2014

Leader Contact:

XboxLive GamerTag: EkS x N8

Social Club Crew Link: http://socialclub.ro...w/hexers_angels

Platform: Xbox 360

Game: GTA:5 Online

Targeting Mode: Free Aim

Timezone: Eastern U.S.A.


Hexers Angels (XBOX{360}LIVE) recruiting active loyal gamers who like to rank up through a unique ranking system, ride around on your Hexer with your fellow riders, and just have fun as a Hexer Angel. Weekly bike runs to bring together our crew. We'll take photos and ride together as a crew. In need of higher ranked members so don't be shy to ask about that too.


My gamer tag is: EkS x N8


Message me, add me, invite me if you're interested in joining. Thanks everyone!

Edited by EkS x N8
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