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I can only store one bicycle on my bike rack

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High King

I just bought a new apartment in Tinsel Towers, and my bike rack is glitched. I had two bicycles stored on the rack, and when ordered a new one, it said I had to replace one of the two. When I found a bike on the street and drove it into the garage, it said I had to replace one of the three, but one had (destroyed) next to it.

It's as if by bikes have insurance on them now, but obviously I can't call Mors Mutual. When someone destroyed my bike earlier, it said they paid $10 towards the insurance fee. I've never seen that happen before.


Has anyone encountered this problem and is there any way to fix it?

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Did your old garage have a smaller bike rack? Maybe it's a bug transferring your vehicles from one garage to the other. It makes no sense that the bikes on the rack show up as destroyed as getting a new one is the only replacement. I have a BMX glitched into a car spot which does have insurance on it. Perhaps you have done this inadvertently, have you tried calling Mors to see what they say?

I've had this happen. Your bike rack is glitched now. I also found out how to fix it.



Don't buy a new one. Instead go STEAL a bike off the street and bring it into your garage. When you bring the stolen bike into your garage replace the bike with 'destroyed' on it. That should fix it...



For some reason.. Buying a new bike doesn't fix it.. So you need to steal it.

Edited by Vooodu
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Having the same problem, contaced :r*: they said it was my fault, two of my vehicles have vanished because of this problem, not happy.... Be careful as the push bikes can be stored in the cars/motor bikes slot & make cars/motorbikes vanish...

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