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Why is everyone a dick in Rooftop Rumble?

Davey Boy

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I had a real pain in the ass before. As soon as the mission started I jumped into my Sultan and headed towards the rear of the car park like I always do. I jump out and as I'm running to the wall this guy runs me down with his Adder. At first I think it's a mistake, but then he runs me down three or four times and intentionally kills me (I cannot get to my feet to do anything about it.).


While he's doing that one of the other players tries to solo the entire garage on his own and takes up the only team life, so I'm stuck in spectator mode. I then watch as this guy runs down the remaining two members of the team and kills them as well. He tries to solo the rest of the mission, and in fairness to him he did a half-decent job until he tried to sticky-bomb a pursuing SUV and ends up blowing himself up in the process.


What makes it even more moronic is that this guy was the host - if he wanted to do this solo he could easily have done so.

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Honestly I just kick them once I get near the end so they don't get anything. I guess it doesn't really work if you are by yourself though. No pubby rides the train for free in my jobs.

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Special Agent 25

Glad i was in passive when i'd finished RR Earlier, they was tank sat outside Martin's house..

Edited by L5B4LIF3
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Well most of the idiots i encounter in RR are guys that

a) camp outside martins house in free roam

b) people who invite you to it, then kick you, so you can be killed by their friend (who's normally in a tank) waiting outside the parking lot


But today i had an idiot hosting, that was driving as fast as he could to martins(although i had the documents),and was in front of me, and he was dropping stickies and trying to kill me. So i took an alternate way to martins house, and when i saw he was already there on the map, i suspected he was trying to kill me. So around the corner from the house, i got out and ran, and sure enough the dickhead had sticky bombs lining the whole driveway. His name on psn was KidQuest.


Anyway, i always go into passive before accepting invites now, and that solves problems a and b. Saved me a few times today.

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Red Lynx 23

One person I've been friends with on XBL for a few months now, and a member of my active crew were playing Rooftop Rumble. Crew member was just screwing around and blowing up stuff, including my Adder, which he paid for. He ended up killing himself while us other two players were delivering the files, and I was closing in on him with my Sandking XL just to toy with him too. But my friend and I both decided to vote to kick him from the mission just before I delivered the files. So he paid the insurance on my Adder, and didn't get the money from that mission either.

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