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Toro Security [an xBox Crew] - Recruiting


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I have taken TORO to Xbox One, still hoping Primo makes the jump...nudge, nudge. Lately I have run with more of my close friends in Sam's Army, but still have my ties to TORO. Gamertag is TRDAVE. RIght now we have just been completing missions and what not to build up RP and cash flow. Hit us up if on and want to run missions. Open to anything, races, survival, etc.

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You on Xbox One?


TrainerDave is our xBox ONE leader at the moment. I'll be joining soon enough, or should I say when I get time. I also have some stragglers from xBox 360 that I'm trying to work with.


So if you want xBox One then just sign up and we'll get you started.

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Naval Corporation

Very good page! I am not interested in joining but I want to know your social club link and also wanted to ask you two things.

1. Would you like an alliance (we do the same as you)

2. Or you can have war.

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ImSoFreshDoh, we do not have age requirements, but we do have "I'm responsible" requirements. We've had a 13 year old player that I was very happy to have around who played right and didn't blow up cars and stuff like that and then we had a much older player who, well lets just say, couldn't focus. If you want everyone's attention and talk incessantly then we might not be for you, but if you can speak tactically and direct then you'll fit in well.


Very good page! I am not interested in joining but I want to know your social club link and also wanted to ask you two things.
1. Would you like an alliance (we do the same as you)
2. Or you can have war.


Since we're a private army we have had quite a bit of alliances. They don't usually pan out to well because most Crews want to hang out in lobbies and we normally do Playlists and some Job hops.


We could do training runs with each other once our group is back up to speed. We have an xBox one group and an xBox 360 group and are trying to build up membership again so we can have the two teams.

Edited by vipprimo
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