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Social Club Not Working?

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It won't load the games I've played, the jobs I created, or my Snapmatic. I thought about sending a ticket but I didn't want to have to wait a week for a response that's always the same. Anybody having this, also?


P.S. Sorry if I'm in the wrong section but I thought it would fit best here.


Update: https://support.rockstargames.com/hc/en-us/articles/203102767

Edited by Raavi
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Official sources say that Brian B has accidentally has fainted on the power button from too many automated responses.

Edited by Polish_Trucker
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Yep, servers are down. Wonder what might be the cause, or the reason.

They must be wiping some more of those nice user-created, 30-second, 25-checkpoint drag races that give people max solo race RP. :p

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Official sources say that Brian B has accidentally has fainted on the power button from too many automated responses.




Yep, servers are down. Wonder what might be the cause, or the reason.

the servers aren't down, i'm online right now playing

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My guess is they are doing the RP reset like another poster said. All I know is I wanna get the picture for my car to put on the Rate The Car Above You Thread

That's exactly what I'm trying to do.


LOL! me too.


i was going to post a pic on the Western Bagger thread, but i lose.

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Hector Tavares


Official sources say that Brian B has accidentally has fainted on the power button from too many automated responses.




Yep, servers are down. Wonder what might be the cause, or the reason.

the servers aren't down, i'm online right now playing


Ahh should have clarified. I meant to say that the jobs weren't working, but the online functions.

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Probably because of Tech Update from R*


"The majority of changes will be in the form of Rockstar Games Social Club services, including stat tracking and leaderboards"



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In all honesty, I'm glad they're taking their time with the High Life Update. It reassures me that it will be a good DLC and that they're doing the most to get rid of all the bugs that it could cause. Not to mention, I don't why everybody hates on the last updates, I happened to like them a lot. Probably because I'm easily amused

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Here you go. Info from R* them self. 2 mins ago.


4/30/14: "We are currently investigating issues around players receiving "The Rockstar game services are unavialable right now. Please try again later." errors when accessing GTA Online, as well as errors on the Social Club site. Please stay tuned to this page for the latest updates"



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Commander S

Glad it's not just me - because I've had several false scares in the last 24 hours involving my garage! :panic:

Let me explain:

Went to check my garage info (mods and whatnot) via the iFruit app (that's pretty much all it's good for), only for it to tell me that my Futo had been replaced with a duplicate of my Bifta.

Brief panic - went and checked in-game, and everything was fine and dandy. False alarm.

Just logged on to the Social Club website, and my Futo's back...

...in the slot normally occupied by my Bati 801 (which was there nary five minutes ago in the actual game) - meanwhile, there's still a second Bifta squatting in the spot where my Futo should be.

If it's just the site stats being pants-on-head retarded, then honestly, that's no big deal - so long as I'm not going to log in and see hours of hard work and effort replaced by a pile of identical f***ing beach buggies...

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Commander S

High life is coming



Either that, or rank resets - cautiously optimistic that it's the 'multiple properties' functionality, though.


Think about it - website/app screwing up garage data, while the in-game map's been stripped down for an overhaul? That'd make sense, if they're adding the additional garage space to the R*SC profile pages, and adding all the new property locations (or new apartments for existing buildings) to the city itself, the map (with icons, obviously) and the Dynasty8 site...

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