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A question about sedans.

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Ballistic Jello

Any idea how to get the Schafter in free mode?


I have only seen it one time but it was destroyed by a tank who was trying to kill me.

I've seen the Schafter around Eclipse towers and also near the eastern mod shop. You will get a greater variety of cars in traffic and more rare desirable cars if you load up an invite only session, and just cruise around. If you don't see anything, hit "Find New Session" and you'll see a new set of vehicles.


At the same time, if you have money to burn you can buy a Schwartzer on Southern San Andreas Super Autos, and driving it may help spawn you a Schafter.


The Schwartzer is the much sexier two-door cousin of the Schafter.

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Also, there are times when Simeon requests Schafters through text message. Check around Weasil Tower area and near the golf course. It took me a while.


Also, the mission Gassed Up has two Schafters that you can drive around to try and change vehicle spawns, sometimes that works. There's also a method to keep the Schafter after mission completion but you'd need a buddy. (You might not be able to keep that car, but again, driving it around just to get other stealable Schafters to appear could help)

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Depends on what you are using them for OP, if it's for races I would go with the Schafter out of those three options.


If it's for free-roam and missions then there are several other options that will do the job:


Intruder- Nice car when modded, some nice customisation options and not many people drive them from my experience.

Stanier- Really quick car that handles like a dream.

Stratum- Underrated car, twin turbo version is quick and with its AWD it is amazing off-road.

Edited by jtattersalluk
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If you only want one of THOSE 3... Go with the Schafter. But in all seriousness, there are better 4 doors. Best thing to do is host a race without anyone in it and test out all the cars you might want. Find the best fit for your driving style and what you want to use it for. If its just for freemode cruisin, then it doesnt matter what you get as long as your happy driving it. But if you have something specific in mind to use it for (heists, racing, offroading, etc), then test them out, narrow down the field to what works best in the situation its for.

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