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Custom Font Size?


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How about adding a way to change the font size?


Like when you want to made a post and have a bigger front but not too big but in between say 18 and 24 to be able to edit it and make it 20 like you can with by deleting the 4 and adding a 0.


Is that even possible or no?

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Unfortunately, no, you can't do in-between font sizes. BBcode:

0 = 0 points
1 = 8 points
2 = 10 points
3 = 12 points
4 = 14 points
5 = 18 points
6 = 24 points
7 = 36 points
8 = 48 points

[size=0]0 = 0 points[/size] [size=1]1 = 8 points[/size][size=2]2 = 10 points[/size][size=2]3 = 12 points[/size][size=3]4 = 14 points[/size][size=4]5 = 18 points[/size][size=5]6 = 24 points[/size][size=6]7 = 36 points[/size][size=8]8 = 48 points[/size]

So, no, no inbetweens. But, you can have zero size type, which is useful for fun spy games, secret passive aggressive insults, messages that will only appear in the mobile version, or international terrorism.

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