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Heads up, friend attack priority

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Hey! Just learned yesterday while in a DM with my crew that if you have the setting on "low" you will have a bad time trying to punch friends if you're in a DM.


I got so frustrated, why would Rockstar make the setting transfer into DM!?

Dont know if anyone has encountered this, but thought it might be a good idea to give you folks a pro tip!




and if anyone is interested in a tight, active crew. Hit me up!

Psn : Youppi


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I discovered this on day 1 after they released the friends attack priority option. Since then I keep it OFF permanently.


Would be cool to have it, as we always have couple of friendly fire kills while in free roam, especially if we're not in Free aim.


Its probably worth mentioning the same also applies to bounties.


If a friend has a bounty and your attack priority is set to low you can't

kill them and claim the bounty. Discovered this right at the beginning

when attack priority was added to the game.



That's awful, because punching deathmatches are everyone's favorite

Speak for yourself...I host them all the time and they fill up quick.


That went right over your head didn't it?




OP this has been known ever since that came out.

Its probably worth mentioning the same also applies to bounties.


If a friend has a bounty and your attack priority is set to low you can't

kill them and claim the bounty. Discovered this right at the beginning

when attack priority was added to the game.

Well you shouldn't be killing your friend with a bounty, You should be protecting him!


Hahah yeah, I had this problem. I created a death match that is a one to one punch up and I launched it with a friend.... I seriously had my ass handed to me haha. It was like I was fighting blindfolded.

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