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What would you like heist to be like?

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I just dont want them to be like the story mode ones where you only have two options cause in Online you will replay it again and again and it will just get repetitive i want them to have more personalisation also this is just a personal preference but i want them to be on Free Roam cause that way you will have the other players factor and you will never know if they will try to steal the money you just robbed it would maybe get annoying but it would be so badass fighting the cops and the other players trying to steal your money at the same time but i will be okay just with them not being linear. So how would you like the heist to be like?

Edited by Gameralfa095
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I'd like a class system where you could level up the various roles.


Gunmen would have more health and armour, their level determining how much of an advantage they receive.


Hackers would have regular health but can hack computers and terminals. Levelling reduces the complexity of the hacking mini game (eg. The roller wheel where you need to spell a word would have fewer letters).


Wheelmen would be in charge of acquiring escape vehicles while the others are performing the heist. If they get the cars quickly then they can join the heist properly. They can also install car mods, which is taken out of the heist total; levelling up reduces this cost.


Clerics have a +5 staff of healing, an assortment of holy magic and are immune to darkness spells.

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Doubt they will be in free roam.


I would like them to just be glitch free.


Yeah i know i also doubt they will be in free roam its just that it would be more extiting to have those unknown factors just like in real life but like i said im good with them not being repetitive and also being glitch free like you said

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