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What are you looking forward to most in 1.13?


What are you looking forward to most in 1.13?  

127 members have voted

  1. 1. What are you looking forward to most in 1.13?

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As much as the Zentorno is hyping me up, the stuff they're adding and changing with apartments is even better.

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seriously do you realise I have seen this thread about once every week since patch 1.12 was released....................mod LOCK please

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Miss Malevolent

This poll is incomplete. You should add, the "Saving Failed" error message that inevitably occurs with every update to the choices.


I know I'm looking forward to that most of all.

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The extra garage space is great, but no update will ever beat the one that allowed me to run in my apartment.

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I cant wait for the finger sandwhiches

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Out of the three listed above as a choice, It would definitely be the ability to own an extra apartment/garage. 20 garage slots and finally not having to replace vehicle after vehicle after vehicle, the extra space will definitely be a plus. Being able to own two apartments, although no real details as to which ones have been listed, I'm looking forward to seeing what R* comes up with. Hopefully, It lives up to the hype.

Edited by GTAVArtem013
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Heists probably arent going to be in 1.13.


Im looking forward to the new cars. I really hope the back of the Massacro looks just as good as the front.

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The extra garage space is great, but no update will ever beat the one that allowed me to run in my apartment.

I forget that we are able to run in our apt/garages all the time.

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Who said any of this would be in 1.13...?


For all we know, 1.13 could simply be the RP reset that R* has talked about, or it could just be to fix glitches in the game. The first 4 updates offered no new content of any kind.


The first day of summer this year isn't until June 21st... Until then, it's still spring. They could release many updates with no additional content between now and then.



Edited by BLeonard
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Heist, Ghost racing and more garage space!


That's it.

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Nothing really, I'm always more interested in the little things they add. Not so much of the guns, clothes or cars because they don't really add anything new.

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Does anybody know when R* said they were gonna release heists? I know they're not true to their word, but this is getting ridiculous.

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Being able to watch Weazel TV again instead of being stuck on a black screen.

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Heists wont be in 1.13 genius... thats the High Life Update. Heists will be 1.14 if we're lucky.

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I'm just hoping they put some apartments out in the sticks. I'd rather be able to buy trevor's trailer with garage space for one car than another 10 car garage/apartment in the city.


Besides, Trevor's trailer has a certain charm to it. That dirty overflowing toilet, the garbage everywhere, the urine stains on the mattress and the urine puddle in the corner... It feels like home.

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