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lost valentines day clothes and hair keeps changing


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all right i logged on today like normal and it said something like you need the dlc to play witch i had so but i went to see what i need to re download so i did just that went to the marketplace need to download beach bum valentines and the third one what was not the business forget the name i download the beach bum but i just said screw it to the the other two so i was placed in a lobby like normal but i was missing my valentines day clothes like i said and the surfer dude hair but still had the beach bum beard the Tommy gun and the Roosevelt so what i am asking is did anyone else have this happen and what should i do just get a hold of rockstar support and off topic but my shoot him self any more just take the pill. and sorry if the grammar is bad i had to rush this

and one more thing i have a bow tie with a t shirt


Edited by bikerman3
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"I am missing the valentine day clothes and hair keeps changing"


"I downloaded the beach bum but said forget it or the other two"


You seeing the problem here?


It's right in front of your face


But in case you don't see it download the ones you said "forget it" too

Edited by AiraCobra
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"I am missing the valentine day clothes and hair keeps changing"


"I downloaded the beach bum but said forget it or the other two"


You seeing the problem here?


It's right in front of your face


But in case you don't see it download the ones you said "forget it" too

but i still have the car and the gun what had it and i went to it to day and it said downloaded with out me re downloading it

Edited by bikerman3
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Did you even download the packs to see if that fixed it first?


The cars are in the cloud because they are in your garage while the clothes aren't because you weren't wearing them

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Did you even download the packs to see if that fixed it first?


The cars are in the cloud because they are in your garage while the clothes aren't because you weren't wearing them

i try that but what about the hair

and the bow tie thing

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Why don't you delete and then redownload all the updates and see if that helps

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i will go and try that

all right man its all better now but any idea why he wont shoot him self any more

and why i can't get rid of the extend clip on my pistol 50

Edited by bikerman3
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