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Looking for a Heist crew.


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Hey guys, we're looking for a crew ON XBOX to do a heist with. We're looking for about 4 more people, we want mature people who are willing to just do this for fun. (Cause obviously we're not gonna be heisting a bank, so we're not gonna be making a crap load of money, so this is pretty much for the thrill.) If you're un sure about what we're doing, please refer to the video below.

We have a plan set up.


This is the plan, as you can see the roles are color coated.

The Red circle is this place.


This is one of the two (I think) Liquor stores in Del Perro.

The orange line is the escape route for the two men who will be executing the robbery itself.


The two will be going up this street where the suburban is, holding off the cops with gunfire.

The green line shows the sniper, it's up to the sniper to get his own escape.


There is an alley way around the corner of the Suburban, with a ladder to the rooftop. From there the person will provide sniper support for the two running from the police. Once the two have successfully made it to the end of the street, he will then escape up the line to Paleto Bay.


The people running will move up the street and across the way to the Del Perro apartments where the getaway bikes will be stashed.





They will then move to the helicopter pads located next to the Marina. Here we will have somebody waiting in a "mule" if you own one it's a bonus. Open up the back doors (you do this bu jumping on the top of the truck from the backside)


As seen here there is a little slope, you have to bash the fence so that the bikes can just drive right into the back.

The purple line shows the route of the Mule. He will go down the La Puerta freeway and keep right into downtown.

From there a cargo bob and Buzzard will take to the skies, and the cargo bob will pick up the Mule. The buzzard pilot needs to be VERY safe not to shoot down the cargo bob. The buzzard will keep the police choppers off the cargobob so that they all can escape the police.



And as the blue and purple lines show, the buzzard and cargo bob will go up to Paleto bay, who ever is left alive will get a cut.


1. Take this seriously. We're not looking for people to blow the job. We want some cool dudes, or dude-etts that are down to do this.
2. It'd be great to have mature players, not to be mean or anything, but it'd be great to have some older players. (Coincides with number 1.)
3. We're all going to be in suits and masks. Most likely a classic tuxedo and any mask of your choice. So be ready for that.
4. No super cars. I know, I know. But come on, super cars on a heist will ruin the immersion IMO. So, any cool 4 doors that look heist-y are welcome with open arms.

5. IF you die, you MUST mute your microphone, and just stand still. If we have to improvise we will, so lets make sure that does not happen. (Basically if you're dead, you're out of the heist)

Once we have four people, I will message you all about the time this will go down. We will try to work around with times so we're all good and ready.

If you're interested, message me GT: PoeticWhisper or GT:PaRmA JoHn


Edited by PoeticWhisper
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Yeah man I'm down. I have two very cool black vans (Rumpo and Speedo) I have been saving for heists that we could use. Send me a message to my gamertag: TooMuchSweg4You. Sounds awesome.

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We need about 3 more people before we can set a date guys. This will be fun as all hell, so join in!

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I would love to help out but do I have to join the crew on social club?


Nope, just send me a message.

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