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Apartments : Missed Opportunity


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i've said it before but

i want a room with the heads of the people i've killed on plaques

with nicer plaques the more times i've killed them like with gun tints


and i want to get rid of the sports crap and gold records from the heist room

Edited by cattafett
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Biohazard Abyss

Give me a goddamn air hockey table like in GTAIV!!!

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....... and relationships with other characters is actually what people want on this forum. ..... call your fake girlfriend online.


Nobody wants that sh*t, my post was about having ways to make your apartment unique, have it be like a virtual trophy cabinet of achievements in game, whilst also a place to upgrade, play games like air hockey / pool or poker with friends.

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Wouldn't it be cool if there was a selection shops around the city (Sports, Electrical, Pets etc) and at these shops you could unlock and then buy items that would appear and decorate your apartments, it seems kind of lazy and pointless having so many interiors look exactly the same in the game. The same wine bottle, the same bong etc.....

For example you could buy better looking TV/Stereo system, Home gym gear, fish tanks or snake enclosures, wall art/paintings/posters etc. Most of these items like the pets would be purely cosmetic and non interactive, but some items like say, a treadmill or weights (as in GTA San Andreas) can rank up your stamina, or an arcade car game that you can play (again similar to the basic arcade games or even better) that are fun and rank up driving skill. Maybe a pool table or a poker table that you can play with friends or something. Also you could get more to your liking posters/art etc, or even have your favourite Snapmatic pics be framed on the wall.

They could of added hunting online, so if you kill mountain leopard you unlock a leopard skin floor carpet, or a mounted head, I just see the apartments as a huge wasted potential for showing off achievements and having fun with friends, like who the f*ck wants to go and see a movie in the game, or play a repetitive round of arm wrestling more than once? !


What would you guys like to see and what do you think of my thoughts?


If they added all that, you'd lose what you currently have.


They can't just magic-dream this stuff in to existence, the developers were already busy writing the game we have now.


Cool ideas though

Edited by SpidersWeb
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