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Epsilon Program (Official) [PS3/360]

Epsilon Program

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Epsilon Program









"There you are. You finally found, somehow, a way to reach us.
It is not a coincidence if you have landed here today.
It appears like something obvious for me, and for all of us.
It’s the first step to your destiny.”


Dears friends,

You’ve just made the best decision of your entire life. In fact, you’ve made the best decision anyone has made for a trillion years or more. If you were to live for another billion years, you would not make a better decision. In fact, you will now live for a billion years. You’ve become an Epsilonist. Kifflom!It’s officially America’s fastest growing religion and you’ve just proven what an independent thinker you are, by jumping on board. Prepare to be in 37,000 (yes, 37,000!) places all at once. Prepare to be amazed. This is the best thing you’ve ever done. You’ve joined an organization so powerful the government just tried to ban us. Of course, they failed. Nothing will stop us, in this Paradigm or the next. Welcome, brother-brother or sister-sister (delete as appropriate - but this is not a form letter - we’re testing you - knowledge IS power, so we hope you know if you’re a brother-brother or a sister-sister, because knowledge, just like charity, starts at home!)

A very small number of of our recent recruits, (based on Cris’ unique intuition), will be invited to join a special scholarship program of advanced Epsilonism in Los Santos - should you be one of them, Cris or another senior Epsilonist will contact you personally in a month or so. Either by telepathy or email or probably both!
You have much to be excited about your new life. The most exciting thing of all is that you are about to get literally hundreds of opportunities to invest in your future by studying one of our reasonably priced courses in personal learning and salvation.
Most top celebrities and intellectuals have joined us on this journey. Now you have too. Soon, you may be one of them.
Kifflom one and all



We will be happy to count you among our members all around the world. No matter your country, Epsilon can exist in different places at different time. No matter if you are playing on PLAYSTATION 3 or XBOX 360, you'll be welcome.

Join us, and the hapiness will be yours.



Edited by Epsilon Program
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Epsilon Program

800+ people have chosen the Epsilon Program...

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Athe epsilon program aka the cannibal clan

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f*ck im laughing but completely creeped out....

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Epsilon Program

f*ck im laughing but completely creeped out....

Why ? Why are you living in a constant mortal fear ? Why are you often nervous in social situations ? Don't you want to be happy and free from thought ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Epsilon Program

I'm working on making this topic more complete (.png added, text edited, ...)

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