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Elimination #1  

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  1. 1. Who do you want to save?

    • Andrey Brown
    • Shady Mars

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"Over half of the world shoot terribly, let alone can't use a gun. If you're one of those people, would you like to learn how to use one?"

Please do not use this topic to rant about Chips237 or anything else related to him. Any such posts will be ignored.

Hello, and welcome to Sharpshooter!

This is a roleplay game similar to CYOC, Designer Stories and other projects!

Taking elements from "The Biggest Loser", you and other people will compete in a task to achieve mastery in all weapons: from simple pistols to mini guns and rocket launchers!


Users can submit one character they can submit into the camp. Below is the form you have to fill.



Actor ID:


Short description of yourself:

Why are you interested in joining Sharpshooter?:

Do you think you'll be the sharpshooter, and why?:


Once you post your form, I will analyze it. The first 10 forms to be accepted will be sent inside the camp for two weeks.

I will constantly post updates on what is going on inside the camp via missions, text or media.

The contestants will first be taught the basics of firearms, and once you get the hang of it we will test how much you learned.

Depending on how well you did on these tests, will see how long you'll last in the camp.

The contestants will be ranked according to their accuracy and amount of targets hit.

Two people will fall below the yellow line (Always second to last spot), and one of the contestants will be eliminated depending on who wins a competition between the two.

The process will be repeated until only four contestants are left.

Their statistics in the entire camp will be compared, and the contestant who improved most will be the "Sharpshooter".


Episode One: Fresh Fish


Episode Two: Elimination #1



Like any other game, Sharpshooter has rules that has to be followed, or otherwise you will receive unnecessary consequences.

1. All contestants must join Sharpshooter for a valid reason (I let two contestants past this rule, but any more violations will not be tolerated).

Valid reasons include self defense, interest in guns, and invalid reasons include being bored, having no life.

2. All contestants must follow the instructions of the trainers. Violation of this rule will immediately lead to being kicked out of the camp.

3. All contestants must respect each other.

4. All contestants shall not leave the camp until being eliminated or until the Sharpshooter finale.



Kendrick Garrison


Age: 19


Andrey Brown



Age: 23


Dexter Westley


Age: 47


Maxwell Knight


Age: 24


Ardooz Cooper


Age: 23


Shady Mars


Age: 24


Scarlet James

Sri Lanka

Age: 19


5/19/2014: Elimination One airs.

5/10/2014: Episode One airs.

5/9/2014: Shooters arrive at the camp.

5/4/2014: Deadline.

4/29/2014: Topic created.

Edited by Chips237
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The Odyssey

Name: Dexter Westley

DOB/Age: 47, 28th December

Actor ID: Andre

Location: North Yankton

Short description of yourself: Previously led a life as an undercover cop in the 80s, but retired at the age of 38. His past mistakes have brought back bad memories and depression. He feels that he would like to learn how to use a gun again, as his life is falling away.

Why are you interested in joining Sharpshooter?: To relive past memories and live once again in the glory days of his life as an authority.

Do you think you'll be the sharpshooter, and why?: I am sure that Dexter will be the next sharpshooter.

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Name: Maxwell Knight
DOB/Age: 24 August 1989
Actor ID: 240
Location: Canada
Short description of yourself: i'm a Canadian IT specialist. i have a blonde girlfriend named Ellen, i love Pizza and am what you might call a "Mother's Boy".
Why are you interested in joining Sharpshooter?: There is a new biker gang in town and i don't feel safe, i want to learn how to protect myself.
Do you think you'll be the sharpshooter, and why?: Yeah cause i play Call Of Halo: Battlefield Titans a lot.

Edited by Target13Productions
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Name:Ardooz Cooper
DOB/Age:26 january 1991
Actor ID:299(Claude)
Short description of yourself:Well,i had a hard life until now and joined much gangs.Then i decided to live a honest and without crime life and got a house in San Fierro.Have a girlfriend named Ginny.I was really good in guns.
Why are you interested on joining Sharpshooter?:The Grove is coming for my head in San Fierro because i quited from their gang.I need to protect me and my girlfriend but i have a lot of time without touching guns.So i need to train,and the best place is this tournament!
Do you think you'll be winning sharpshooter,and why?I am always pesimistic,so the answer is No

Edited by Ardooz
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Name: Shady Mars

Age/DOB: 30/09/1989.

Actor ID: Ryder skin

Location: United States

Short description of yourself: I used to fight with hands a lot. But nowadays, who uses hands to fight?

Why are you interested in joining Sharpshooter?: Had a girlfriend named Samantha. She was nasty, she knows how to use a gun, how to fight. I left her because I don't have any of that. It was embarrassing to be protected by a girl.

Do you think you'll be the Sharpshooter, and why?: Yes. I was destined to be. There's no need for a reason if I was meant to be the Sharpshooter.

Edited by Shahonix
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DragonWarrior (DnW)

Name: Scarlet James
DOB/Age: 8th June / 19
Actor ID: 23
Location: Sri Lanka
Short description of yourself: My father was a Police officer, he was killed and so is my mother. I need to take revenge.
Why are you interested in joining Sharpshooter?: I need to find these Bastards and kill them, that won't be easy without any firearms!
Do you think you'll be the sharpshooter, and why?: My father taught me how to use a Double Barrel gun, but that won't be enough.

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The shooters (what you'll call them) have been transported to the camp via convoy.

They will reside in six cabins. Since there are seven contestants, Shady Mars will reside with Dexter Wesley.

(I apologize for the huge image)


The shooters should get themselves prepared for tomorrow's first training.

Here are a couple more images on what's going on inside the camp.


"Fresh Fish", Episode One, arrives 5/10

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Name: Jasey Kev.

DOB/Age:29 October 1985

Actor ID: bmyri

Location : Detroit

Short description: I'm is DEA Secret agent , I want to stop all of bad guys in this world , people thought me I was villain , but it's wrong I'm not a Villain , I'm is a police , and I also want revenge to some people that kill my Family , he must pay for this

Sharpshooter: I can do a Slowmotion like a Max Payne , and shoot using sniper can hit some people 2 in a Row

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"Fresh Fish", Episode One, is live.


New addition, Shooter Points (SP)

Depending on how the shooter went in tests/exercises, he will earn 15-30 SP.

You can use 100 SP to immediately advance above the yellow line, saving yourself from getting eliminated.

Or if you are below the yellow line, you can use 250 SP to automatically save yourself.


Kendrick Garrison

Accuracy = 96%

SP + 26

Andrey Brown

Accuracy = 73%

SP + 16

Dexter Wesley

Accuracy = 79%

SP + 19

Edited by Chips237
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For the first episode i will only say 2 words:Absolotely amazing.
And you used our character descriptions really good
That part when my character says:If i would told you the things i did you would probably back off.
Anyways good job waiting for the other episode!
Take some cookies :cookie::cookie::cookie:

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UPDATE #3 (Sorry!)


Guys, I am so so sorry. I was very busy IRL and had some family problems, I didn't have the time to fully finish the mission (it's around 39% finished). But I hope you enjoyed the sneak peeks I gave you!

I will give each character +75 SP due to my laziness.

Here's the results. Again, I'm so so sorry for not missionizing it. I promise you I will make a mission during the first elimination and later reactions.


Kendrick Garrison

Accuracy - 92%

SP - 28+75 = 103

Andrey Brown

Accuracy - 75%

SP - 21+75 = 96

Dexter Wesley

Accuracy - 80%

SP - 19+75 = 94

Maxwell Knight

Accuracy - 81%

SP - 20+75 = 95

Ardooz Cooper

Accuracy - 77%

SP - 17+75 = 92

Shady Mars

Accuracy - 87%

SP - 24+75 = 99

Scarlet James

Accuracy - 90%

SP - 25+75 = 100

Some of you might have gotten 100 SP, therefore you can use them to immediately advance above the yellow line. Kindly inform me if you wish to do so.

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