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A few event logos


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Hello guys! Like some know I am a backyard wrestler and until now I've done all our graphics by myself but now I think it's time to move it to the professionals. There will be more requests later in the summer, but these are enough for a month since these are for all our events taking place in May.


First of all, a logo for our next event, Fallout. It's kinda simple, I would want the name written in the manner of the "Uncharted" logo: uncharted-logo.png


And the other one which should have a few versions, event titled Battle of Kaust City. I would like the text color and outline be like this, including the palm tree shapes inside the lettering;


But the font should be something more like this; cea274acfddb9ffd2cf4a5e80810fad1.png


Looks like an ugly topic with all these photos but anyway, thanks for doing this, it is so much appreciated. More of these kind of requests will be made when we decide on our future events later in the year but thanks so much if you can do these.

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Holy crap, thank you so much. Great work. Will definetly ask for the logos of our upcoming shows when we decide what they will be called. Thanks again.

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