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Something I noticed with regards to vehicular damage...


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When I play Rooftop Rumble I always bring my Entity with me to use as the getaway vehicle. It gets parked behind the building with access set to everyone. Whoever grabs the documents is free to use it. Yesterday I had a lower ranking guy, he was rank 40 or so, drive it and I was passenger. Now, this entity is fully kitted out with every mod and 100% armour. Since I drive it offroad too I am very familiar with the damage it can take and the deformations that go with it. Now, what I noticed was with this lower ranking guy driving and colliding my car, the visible damage was very much more than I would expect. It was more in line with what you would see if a car was tooled up to max spec, by someone who is rank 40! So I decided to test something. I have a second ps3 and a second gtav game and also a rank 5 second account. I loaded up both games, invited the rank 5 char to my rank 167 main guy's game and threw my Entity off a cliff. What my 167 rank guy saw and what was on the screen of my rank 5 guy was very different indeed. Rank 167 saw very little warping in the bodywork while rank 5 saw a barely recognisable wreck. Remember this is one and the same car, only viewed by two different characters. Pretty odd, no?

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AFAIK, this has always been the case.


I noticed it straight away from playing with a mate and side by side 360s, I thought it was weird at the time.

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Just like if your doing the lowering glitch, you won't see bullet holes in your car, but everyone else will.

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Cool, now maybe you can experiment with the "phenomenon" where you pump 20 bullets into someone to their 2 and you die

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It's your internet connection.My internet is quite slow somedays and i always see people colliding into vehicles and buildings when they don't.So the damage on the car shows on my screen but not theirs.

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Cool, now maybe you can experiment with the "phenomenon" where you pump 20 bullets into someone to their 2 and you die

Not sure if serious...

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A Maned Wolf

Always been this way damage isnt synced

And damage resistance seems to be much lower in mission than in free mode.

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Always been this way damage isnt synced

And damage resistance seems to be much lower in mission than in free mode.



In Captures the damage resistance seems to be way higher than in free mode, though.


In free mode, you're gonna destroy a Cargobob with a single RPG. In Capture it can survive two of them, and explodes with the third.

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A Maned Wolf



Always been this way damage isnt synced

And damage resistance seems to be much lower in mission than in free mode.



In Captures the damage resistance seems to be way higher than in free mode, though.


In free mode, you're gonna destroy a Cargobob with a single RPG. In Capture it can survive two of them, and explodes with the third.


Wow, didn't realize that.

Time to take advantage of that I suppose.

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This frequently pisses me off about R* and about GTAV specifically: make it the same fukking game across the board! Don't give me rage powers in single player then take them away for multi, slipstream while racing but nothing in free, stealth to hide dot while in deathmatch but pay to hide in free. Stop cutting the world into tiny games - give us A game that has cool schitt in it.

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Cool, now maybe you can experiment with the "phenomenon" where you pump 20 bullets into someone to their 2 and you die

rip engrish

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The more you know, this definitely clarifies how damage on vehicles look for other players compared to you. Even more the lag that happens when one hits a building or NPC vehicle but takes no damage, yet you witness the accident happen.

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Always been this way damage isnt synced

And damage resistance seems to be much lower in mission than in free mode.



In Captures the damage resistance seems to be way higher than in free mode, though.


In free mode, you're gonna destroy a Cargobob with a single RPG. In Capture it can survive two of them, and explodes with the third.


Wow, didn't realize that.

Time to take advantage of that I suppose.



Just create a Capture with some NPC's with RPG's, and fly with a Cargobob over them, trying to dodge the rockets, even more fun with 10 NPC's and good accuracy! This being said, @all, try my Capture called 'Black Hawk Down' - it aint easy but fun!


PS3: http://de.socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/z-PsychoGamer-z/games/gtav/jobs/job/q24xx6Bi-kWGtjEom94OwQ?platformId=2

X360: http://de.socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/z-PsychoGamer-z/games/gtav/jobs/job/q24xx6Bi-kWGtjEom94OwQ?platformId=1

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R* should sort it out, aswell as the lowering.


I lower my car so other people can see how nice it looks aswell as me, but them seeing bullet holes instead is no good..

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It's your internet connection.My internet is quite slow somedays and i always see people colliding into vehicles and buildings when they don't.So the damage on the car shows on my screen but not theirs.

You need to get your internet sorted out. I used to have my broadband with sky and I was lucky to get 1Mbps. Never really had glitching like that when I played.

Never get any problems now though as I've changed to virgin fibre-optic.:)

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Izhevsk M44

Its just how the game is. People see car damage differently. It always looks worse from anyone else's view, whereas the drivers view isn't that bad.


I tested this with my dad. We took our Grangers and rammed into each other full speed head on at the airport. He said "damn your lights are out and your axel is bent, tires bent inwards, and front end all smashed in and one of your fenders fell off."


But from my POV only one headlight was out, the front end was only moderately smashed, and both fenders were there. We even sent each other pictures of our TV screens and we indeed were seeing much different damage.


I dont know why it does this, but it just does. It may be based on internet connection. Usually you the driver see normal damage that makes sense in regards to the type of collision and angle, but others will just see a completely bent axle and inwards wheels.

Edited by Izhevsk M44
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I think it has less to do with rank, and more than who's driving the vehicle. The owner nearly always sees less damage than everyone else. I've noticed this when comparing snapmatic pics, and from watching several YouTube let's plays.

Edited by gorskiegangsta
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You know, I've come across situations like that but never really thought anything of it. I've heard people say "Dude your car looks really messed up!" but on my screen its just a couple scratches on the bumper.

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You know, I've come across situations like that but never really thought anything of it. I've heard people say "Dude your car looks really messed up!" but on my screen its just a couple scratches on the bumper.

I see on youtube sometimes. Right ?
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Cool, now maybe you can experiment with the "phenomenon" where you pump 20 bullets into someone to their 2 and you die


Yeah that one is fun.


Or the one where a guy crawling from a car you just rammed and flipped absorbs your SMG bullets like a sponge and then kills you dead before he even stands up, then teleports to the front of your car.


Or the one there you are shooting a guy and clearly hitting him while he's shooting at someone else, then he spins around and 1 shots you in the head.


Or the one where you run up and hit someone with a baseball bat and they stumble, and just as your bat is connecting a second time they shoot you dead from point blank without even drawing their weapon to aim.

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