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Best crew colour


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I want some ideas about the best colour for my Crew, i try alot of colours (red, green, orange) but i dont know what colour is the best for all the things like the cars, shirts, radar point etc...


So give me your advices please...

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As long as it's unique, it can be good.


Try some colors you can't normally get in LSC. Something like neon green, dark red, galaxy purple etc.

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Biohazard Abyss

This is great, thanks!



No problem. Any of those colors can be your crew color as long as you know how to do the simple process involving inspect element and such.


If you're not familiar with it, let me know and I can help.

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This is great, thanks!



No problem. Any of those colors can be your crew color as long as you know how to do the simple process involving inspect element and such.


If you're not familiar with it, let me know and I can help.


Speaking of colours, savage avatar btw.


I'd just browse through that website. It's all subjective so just find something that embodies what you want your crew to be.

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my crew colour is a trippy type of lime green i really like it on my entity with black trim for secondary, really stand out as a strong racing colour.


ill post a pic when i take a snapshot of it

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My crew color is BLACK and it's beautiful on cars ! LS black color is gray compare to black crew color




Great logo and you have any car photo with your crew colour mate? Sounds interesting.


my crew colour is a trippy type of lime green i really like it on my entity with black trim for secondary, really stand out as a strong racing colour.


ill post a pic when i take a snapshot of it


For nor im trying with neon green but the lime green colour its another great option.

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Thx Edgar :lol:

I will take some pictures after works and post it


I share my method to put BLACK on CREW color :


< span style="background-color: rgb(0, 0, 3);"></span>

< input id="createCrewFormColor" type="text" value="#000003" data-theme="bootstrap" class="minicolors minicolors-input" size="7" maxlength="7">

< input id="crewColor" type="hidden" value="#000003">

Use it with google chrome to inspect element ;)


It work with any hex colors : http://www.colorhexa.com/color-names

Edited by Alienex
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I got an extremely dark red as my crew color, it's almost black and sexy as a HB 10

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Our crew uses neon green. Mainly because it is the easiest (a lot of us feel so) to see when there are multiple blips from other players, cops etc...


Plus the tire smoke looks sick

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this is what my lime green crew colour looks like on my entity:





crew tire smoke is the same colour as-well, some people hate it lol but i have always been a fan of

green,lime green dark green pretty much anything green.

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3thrd pic : CREW BLACK COLOR

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