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77 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite DLC/update so far?

    • Beach Bum
    • Content creator
    • Capture mode
    • Christmas Special
    • Valentine's Day Massacre
    • Business
    • Capture creator
  2. 2. What are you most looking forward to?

    • High Life
    • Heists
    • Unannounced SP DLC
    • Whatever comes after those
    • Liberty City and whatever other cities that will be added
  3. 3. Are you happy with the free DLC?

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All of these questions have already been asked multiple times. Also, "What will be your favorite?" We haven't played any of that so we can't say what our favorite is. Should be worded, "What are you most looking forward to?"



Edited by SimsDaniel916
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as for what WILL be my fav... i chose High Life, not for the recycled new cars cloths guns.. BUT for multiple property ownership. I have a wishlist of cars I want and im looking forward to owning n modding them.


Heists wont be a game changer. hope im wrong, but I am confident it wont measure up to the 6 months of hype build up.

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Beach Bum, Valentine's Massacre, and Business are the only "DLC"s released. The rest are just nice content bonuses with patches.


To answer your question, though, Valentine's Day Massacre. I loves my Roosevelt and sweeper. Clothes are pretty slick, too.

Edited by SecludedMemory
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Sir Michael

Beach Bum. I remember being so excited for the Bifta, but putting vehicles aside, it's the only DLC with casual clothing... since 2014 started, males only got recycled suits while the females got some interesting stuff with Valentines Day. ._.

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This is why R* is a better gaming company than those other DLC whore companies, instead of forcing down DLC packages down our throat with our real money, where the package probably has 40% to 60% of the content we actually want and the rest being useless, and they are usually priced with a $40 price tag calling it a seasonal pass or whatever, R* gives us a choice as to what we want to purchase and also only with in-game currency so the whole cash card purchase is your choice and not forced on us. On top of this most DLC seem to release as soon as the game is released, so why the f*ck don't they provide those DLC with the game itself (like AC4 and SR4), its like blatantly ripping gamers by saying hey you can purchase the full game for 100 bucks but oh wait we removed 30% of content and made it a DLC pack so you dish out another 40 bucks for it, whereas R* never did that, and whats more important is that all DLC released are free to use in story mode (unlike in other games). The final factor is that no DLC in other games have ever been free (as in free in-game and out of the game), but with R* they decided that if a DLC was average or not that great, they would make it free to use even in-game like the beach bum pack that wasn't really that great but you never had to pay for that pack even in-game. All in all while I do have some concerns about R* and GTAO's future I feel they provide a better service to their gamers than most other multi-million dollar gaming industries.

Edited by havingfunz
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Commander S

Favourite has to be 'Beach Bum' for me - Bifta and Speeder free in every sense of the word, and really handy to have.

As for the general opinion, I'm pretty impressed at how much regular free content there's been - some nice vehicles, weapons and customisation options, and none of it requiring actual money to acquire (and it really isn't that hard to earn the in-game $ needed to afford it).

Compare that to the amount of games nagging players for season passes (i.e., buy DLC sight-unseen with actual money - often not getting released for ages, and not living up to either the hype or the pricetag), or paid DLC that splits the playerbase into 'people with the DLC' and 'people without'. That's why I don't mind about shark cards existing - because they really aren't a necessary part of the game experience, and again, we're getting a lot of decent, regular free content.

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I like pretty much all the dlc/new content so far, capture mode and capture creator getting a 'no opinion'.


High life, heists. SP and other cities will likely cost money, sp could be free if its just extra assassinations and the cities could never happen.




Bonus question: a mission creator would be great.

Edited by RowanSane
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Beach Bum, Valentine's Massacre, and Business are the only "DLC"s up there. The rest are just nice content bonuses with patches.


To answer your question, though, Valentine's Day Massacre. I loves my Roosevelt and sweeper.

Correct, I just listed all those because they are the major releases each month. The Content creator, Capture mode, Christmas Special updates all came in December, with just bug fixes in January though.

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I like pretty much all the dlc/new content so far, capture mode and capture creator getting a 'no opinion'.


High life, heists. SP and other cities will likely cost money, sp could be free if its just extra assassinations and the cities could never happen.




Bonus question: a mission creator would be great.

I have a feeling the added cities in GTAO will be free so the community doesn't get divided. Liberty City will be free next year. Then Vice City reimagining (GTA6) will be free in 2018+. (Hopefully)


I am expecting the SP DLC to be $10 to $20 this fall.

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So, there are currently more people hyped for the High Life than there are for the heists.


Glad to know I'm not the only one - Looking forward to new cars, another extra garage and new apartment interiors.

Edited by henriquedematos
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