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[XBOX] TVIC Rally Race Tournament


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Might be late to event. Small errands to run on my way home from work

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Is the car mert happening

It's a car meet for people racing in the tournament.

Might be late to event. Small errands to run on my way home from work

The races don't start until 7pm EST

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Roger that. Probably about 20-25 mins till I'm good to go

Plenty of time!

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Will be late. Will probably need times recoded after wards. Or take a penalty on the first track

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Will be late. Will probably need times recoded after wards. Or take a penalty on the first track

Just let me know when, and we can make them up!

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The races for tonight have concluded!

Postings of times and money earned will be up tomorrow!

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DAY 1 Times:



TVIC Tournament Rally 1:

1. TenFourSkin ---------- 2:15

2. Almighty Apexx ------- 2:26

T3. RUSTLERVXL21 --- 2:28

T3. MnG XxBiRmZxX -- 2:28

5. Uxroh -------------------- 2:40

6. LuCkyShOt uP -------- 2:42

7. Ducking you up ------- 2:47

8. StuntDrvr --------------- 2:48


TVIC Tournament Rally 2:

1. TenFourSkin ---------- 3:20

2. Almighty Apexx ------ 3:31

3. Uxroh ------------------- 3:32

4. RUSTLERVXL21 ---- 3:33

5. LuCkyShOt uP ------- 3:39

6. Ducking you up ------ 3:40

7. StuntDrvr -------------- 3:43

8. MnG XxBiRmZxX --- 3:44


Overall Standings:

1. TenFourSkin ---------- 5:35

2. Almighty Apexx ------ 5:57

3. RUSTLERVXL21 ---- 6:01

T4. Uxroh ----------------- 6:12

T4. MnG XxBiRmZxX -- 6:12

6. LuCkyShOt uP ------- 6:21

7. Ducking you up ------ 6:27

8. StuntDrvr -------------- 6:31

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Might have more issues today with my job. My apologies ahead of time. Once we done with today's trials, any of us looking to grind missions during the double payout lemme know. Just something to do once we are done today

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Might have more issues today with my job. My apologies ahead of time. Once we done with today's trials, any of us looking to grind missions during the double payout lemme know. Just something to do once we are done today

I'm up to grind out some races and missions!

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Might have more issues today with my job. My apologies ahead of time. Once we done with today's trials, any of us looking to grind missions during the double payout lemme know. Just something to do once we are done today

I'm up to grind out some races and missions!


I have a custom racelist (my tracks) and a custom Coveted Playlist (downloaded from RSC). The coveted list pays out to 288k when it's said and done.

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Starting practice in a few minutes! Message GT: TenFourSkin for an invite!

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Thanks to the few people who did show up!
Everyone else needs to make up times and ASAP!!

Great job today to Uxroh!

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Making up times first and then I'll post times for yesterday and overall times!

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DAY 2 Times: Friday, May 2nd

TVIC Tournament Rally 3

T1. Uxroh ----------------- 3:24

T1. TenFourSkin -------- 3:24

3. StuntDrvr -------------- 3:40

4. MnG XxBiRmZxX --- 3:43

5. LuCkyShOt uP ------- 3:52

6. RUSTLERVXL21 ---- 4:05

7. Almighty Apexx ------ 4:20

8. Ducking you up ------ 4:40


TVIC Tournament Rally 4

1. TenFourSkin ---------- 3:11

2. Uxroh ------------------- 3:12

3. RUSTLERVXL21 ---- 3:13

4. MnG XxBiRmZxX ---- 3:15

5. Almighty Apexx ------- 3:20

6. LuCkyShOt uP -------- 3:22

7. StuntDrvr --------------- 3:30

8. Ducking you up ------- 3:43


Overall Times (thru 4 races)

1. TenFourSkin ---------- 12:10

2. Uxroh ------------------- 12:48

3. MnG XxBiRmZxX ---- 13:10

4. RUSTLERVXL21 ---- 13:19

5. LuCkyShOt uP -------- 13:35

6. Almighty Apexx ------- 13:37

7. StuntDrvr --------------- 13:41

8. Ducking you up ------- 14:43

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Ay man. My bad about today. Work got in the way. After my crew stuff. Can I make up my times tomorrow? And do the tracks tomorrow as well?

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Ay man. My bad about today. Work got in the way. After my crew stuff. Can I make up my times tomorrow? And do the tracks tomorrow as well?

Yes, you can make them up tomorrow. All of the people from your crew need to..

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LuCkyShOt uP

Almighty Apexx


All need to make up yesterdays races!

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it be good if everyone can show up today being the last day

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it be good if everyone can show up today being the last day

Yeah, that's probably not gonna happen. I just had to DQ two of the racers from this rally tournaments "sponsor" crew. STRIKE 1 for them! Ha

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TVIC Rally Race Tournament Final Standings

Overall Standings and Times:

1. TenFourSkin ----------------- 35:03

2. RUSTLERVXL21 ----------- 38:25

3. Uxroh -------------------------- 38:45

4. MnG XxBiRmZxX ----------- 38:48

5. Ducking you up -------------- 43:25

6. LuCkyShOt uP --------------- DQ (Failed to show for Races 5,6,7 and 8) STRIKE 1

7. Almighty Apexx -------------- DQ (Failed to show for Races 5,6,7 and 8) STRIKE 1

8. StuntDrvr ---------------------- DQ (Failed to show for Races 5,6,7 and 8) STRIKE 1

Overall Earnings:

1. TenFourSkin ----------------- $143,320

2. RUSTLERVXL21 ----------- $97,460

3. Uxroh -------------------------- $76,890

4. MnG XxBiRmZxX ---------- $75,760

5. Ducking you up ------------- $62,440

6. Almighty Apexx ------------- $31,020

7. StuntDrvr --------------------- $23,720

8. LuCkyShOt uP -------------- $23,340

$533,950 Earned Between All Competitors!

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I. Got 3rd Yay!

Hey, get online sometime soon. I have to take pictures for the bio I'm posting on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers.

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I. Got 3rd Yay!


Hey, get online sometime soon. I have to take pictures for the bio I'm posting on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers.

I'm at school but. For sure

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I. Got 3rd Yay!

Hey, get online sometime soon. I have to take pictures for the bio I'm posting on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers.

I'm at school but. For sure


Yeah, we can do it later. No problem

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Sorry that I didn't post these when I wanted to. The 3rd place kind of delayed it and got him banned from my future lobbies in the past couple days. I will post bios on 1st and 2nd place.


TVIC Tournament First Place Winner:


Crew: Tommy Vercetti Inc.

Rank: 163

K/D: 3.935

0_0.jpgOverall Time: 35:03

Overall Earnings: $143,320 0_0.jpg

Overall Races Played: 491

Overall Races Won: 277

Race Winning Success Rate: 53.42%

Fastest Laps: 500

Last to First: 162

Time Spent Racing: 11h 27m


TVIC Tournament Second Place Winner:


Crew: Tommy Vercetti Inc.

Rank: 114

K/D: 3.587

Overall Time: 38:250_0.jpg

0_0.jpgOverall Earnings: $97,460

Races Played: 248

Races Won: 89

Race Winning Success Rate: 35.89%

Fastest Laps: 198

Last to First: 64

Time Spent Racing: 5h 40m


TVIC Tournament Third Place Winner:



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