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Police cars that should/ shouldn't be able to be stored

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R* should make it so we can store police vehicles and unlock the modifications for them so we can mod them at LSC. The only police cars that shouldnt be allowed to be stored is the Police Riot and the Police Transport because they would be unfair. Every other police car should be able to be stored it has no advantages over the civilian cars.

How would they be unfair? We've already found they fit in garages better than most Sandkings, and there is nothing gamebreaking about them. One is a van with sirens, one is a bulky Roosevelt with sirens. And, BTW, the standard Police Cruiser (aka Police Interceptor) has visual body mods ;)

Sugar Free Nos

Agree on the Riot as it's just too big to survive the exit animations of most garages.


Not on the transporter though, it's no bigger than the Rumpo or Speedo.


If it fits, it should be able to be stored.



The Riot should be a Pegasus vehicle, though.

Deadly Aviator

They should make it so the transporter (which is a Declasse Burrito btw) cannot be shot out of except by passengers in the rear (who have to open the cargo doors), it's stupid that you can shoot out of it from the driver and passenger seat. If they fixed it like that it could be allowed in garages.

Agree on the Riot as it's just too big to survive the exit animations of most garages.


Not on the transporter though, it's no bigger than the Rumpo or Speedo.


If it fits, it should be able to be stored.



The Riot should be a Pegasus vehicle, though.

TECHNICALLY if we did the buy anything glitch before the Beach Bum update we COULD have the Riot as a Pegasus vehicle, like we could with the Cargobob. Remove the title updates and DLC, then load up Single Player, and do the glitch with a few numbers on Warstock. You'll find stuff like the Police Riot, Prison Bus, and Fire Truck.


Shouldn't...it's a cop car, why do you need a cop car?


Not to mention that cop cars have GPS on them so technically, the cops would know where it's being stored

Technically, you should suck a dick.

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