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I Am Looking for English Teacher

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I'm learning English and I really need someone to practice speaking with.


My suggestion is:


1. We play together for two hours or so several days a week (game mode doesn't matter, I may help you to do missions, etc.)


2. We talk to each other, you ask me questions, listen and correct me.


3. I pay you money. How much? We'll discuss it. If you don't need my real money, I may let you drive my Bugatti or invite you in my apartments to drink something :colgate:


You must be ready to stand my perfect pronunciation and grammar.

I play every day from 2 to 4 pm (CST) Sometimes I play TLoU.


PSN id is dolboyob


p.s. It is not a joke.



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While it's annoying when people correct your grammar here on the forum (people think everyone knows English perfectly), I don't think finding people to play GTA V as an English lesson is the best way to learn English or pronunciation. There's tons of Youtube videos and channels that are created only for learning a language. Nonetheless, I hope you find someone to game with while learning a language. It's a good idea. :)

I'm not on PS3 so my post is sort of useless but if you need someone to correct a post or you're making a topic and want it revised, send me a PM if you want. English isn't my "mother tongue" as well but I get by.

Also, I doubt you're 90 years old....not sure if "not joke" is false.

Edited by livejoker
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