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Is free aim dead or is match making bad?


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I really do wish Free AIm becomes the new default targeting mode.

Maybe a patch that puts everyone on free aim, and instructs everyone how to go back to AA if they wish to.


It makes more sense putting everyone on hard mode then telling them they can go to easy mode if they want to, than putting everyone on easy mode and not even telling them they can switch to hard mode.


No, it makes more sense putting the more popular mode as the defaul, plus this isn't a first person shooter. You can keep you thinly veiled free-aim pseudo elitist rubbish and do something rather unpleasent with it. It's easy enough changed from auto-aim to free-aim.

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Free-aim is still alive (at least it was today). I was able to join a full lobby, didn't have trouble getting people to join RR and much to my surprise... I crossed paths with a random in a tank who didn't shoot at me once. I might spend more of my time in free-aim rather than in auto-aim lobbies filled with people with itchy trigger fingers. :)

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Free aim is much less populated, I would guess maybe 30% of the player base. But That's still thousands of players, so the biggest problem is the match making sucks.


closer to 3% an most are playing missions with their Buzzards!


If I come out of a mission in a Free Aim Lobby it's rare that I get more than 3 other people in there.


I'll do some tests today

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Free Aim is doing well in the regular free roam lobbies, but it's practically dead during my times in matchmaking lobbies.. although, racing lobbies are always kicking.

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Did OP got banned for asking this? :lol:


Either way,


It feels empty because most people don't know about Free Aim, or where to change it.


if he did. then there's an rogue mod on here lol. and yeah the way the settings are now. people complain not being able to change their targeting mode still

Edited by AlexSniperBullet
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Sorry everyone free aim was alive but I killed it with a silenced ap in a red entity

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Matchmaking is a touch on the poo side unless you have a big friends list or someone who joins does.

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