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Is free aim dead or is match making bad?


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I was invited to a mission where the aim mode was free aim. I accepted to change the aim mode to join but then when the session was launching I got timed out...


So, there's still some people using free aim

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Auto-aim is full of shoot-on-sight idiots in their Entitys, who make up for most of GTA Online. The civilised intellectuals (a minority) are based in freeaim. This explains why free aim is much less populated.

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Free aim is much less populated, I would guess maybe 30% of the player base. But That's still thousands of players, so the biggest problem is the match making sucks.

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Oh, here we go again...


I just played about 2 hours and 8 out of 10 sessions I joined were near full.


...think what you will.

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Free Aim is almost never empty for me. You'd be hard pressed to find a lobby with under 10 people.

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The majority of people don't change the default settings so free aim will always have a very small amount of players compared to auto aim.

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I'd imagine a lot less people play it these days. I didn't even know how to get on free-aim in multi-player for the first few months. Why do we have to go back to the damn single-player to change it?


Remember the old days where we could choose free-aim through the phone. It feels like GTA V has come a long way since IV but they've completely got rid of things like having the abilty to turn cops and friendly fire on/off, just generally making things more complicated. More options is a good thing R*.

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My crew mates rarely fit into a server together because they are too full. I haven't experienced issues in freeaim jobs etc. either.

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When I found out about free aim I was pumped and got my crew to head over and played there quite a bit. Then lately I cant get in a full lobby for the life of me. Everytime we go free aim it is just us.


It has to be matchmaking.

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Yeah freeaim isn't dead, but the match making could be better. I think it's a pity R* don't merge the settings for races.

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I really do wish Free AIm becomes the new default targeting mode.
Maybe a patch that puts everyone on free aim, and instructs everyone how to go back to AA if they wish to.


It makes more sense putting everyone on hard mode then telling them they can go to easy mode if they want to, than putting everyone on easy mode and not even telling them they can switch to hard mode.

Edited by frankenstein107
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Let me revise my statement. Freemode is usually full in Free Aim, but it's the match making for PvP that sucks. I've been playing since GTAO went live, and the next time I get into a full free aim DM, capture, or race will be the first time.

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Let me revise my statement. Freemode is usually full in Free Aim, but it's the match making for PvP that sucks. I've been playing since GTAO went live, and the next time I get into a full free aim DM, capture, or race will be the first time.

The problem is that PvP freeaimers tend to stay in free-roam and the rest do missions. Matchmaking can't work if there aren't the players to match.

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Barely breathing


Good Duncan Sheik song.

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Sir Michael

Most of the free-aim players flock Rooftop Rumble/contact missions or stay in free roam killing each other, so you don't really get a chance to see full lobbies in many of the game modes... I've given up on free-aim because of this, but if more players switched over, I'd be willing to play FA again.

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Free Aimers still think they getting real life trophies and cash for being "special".


I'm proficient at both aiming systems but I use auto aim because it's convenient and why make it harder when I don't have to?

If I wanted a more challenging shoot em up... Well I would be playing that game instead.

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Free Aimers still think they getting real life trophies and cash for being "special".


I'm proficient at both aiming systems but I use auto aim because it's convenient and why make it harder when I don't have to?

If I wanted a more challenging shoot em up... Well I would be playing that game instead.


No but they do get more rp, because R* recognises that it takes more skill to play with out the game aiming for you, which is very easy.

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Judicious 7

It's either or, OP. I have been noticing the number

of Free Aim lobbies drop. Some days it's full, some days it's empty. It's odd.

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Did OP got banned for asking this? :lol:


Either way,


It feels empty because most people don't know about Free Aim, or where to change it.

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