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Did they get rid of the NY Glitch?


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Hey there,


I've been trying to get into NY on GTA Online with no joy. Followed all the steps that you need to do:


- Replay Protologue Mission

- Go behind the pillar in front of the bank's garage door

- Get a mate to invite you to an invite-only game.

- Fly to the docks until you see some textures in the sky.


It's just not working. Did they patch it, or am I doing it wrong?


~ Funky Cup.

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The heist man


can some one tell me if they removed the NY plate you had if you did the single player to multiplayer glitch? Edited by The heist man
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The North Yankton glitch got patched. Both methods. Prologue and Bury the Hatchet.


As for the Yankton LP, I don't think Rockstar will do anything about them. The LP has been around for a nice while and everyone who ever put one on their vehicles probably still has them and won't lose them.

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As for the Yankton LP, I don't think Rockstar will do anything about them. The LP has been around for a nice while and everyone who ever put one on their vehicles probably still has them and won't lose them.

The yankton plate should be a LSC option imo

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As for the Yankton LP, I don't think Rockstar will do anything about them. The LP has been around for a nice while and everyone who ever put one on their vehicles probably still has them and won't lose them.

The yankton plate should be a LSC option imo


It wouldn't fit to well with online. The location is Los Santos, not North Yankton. I do agree that it would be a nice feature to have. It just wouldn't fit the online story line.

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