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What has been your greatest investment so far in GTA Online?

Princess of the Midwest

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In truth the time I have spent playing is my greatest investment. Over 30 days now, I will never get it back sadly.

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Red Lynx 23

Also investing in free roam battles. First sign that started paying off, when my female character who looks like Isabeli Fontana won a fist fight with a male character who was dressed like the guy on the Manhunt cover art.

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Carbonizzare first high end car felt so happy and I still have it so much methed up to get that car with nothing but a crappy pistol and micro smg


That car I bought a few days back it sounds soo nice
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I find myself often using my PCJ 600 when making money.It´s great as a getaway vehicle for store robberies(I robbed various stores maybe over 250 times and cops killed me only twice when I was riding that bike)and it´s also good for missions where I have to chase and kill NPC targets(like at the end of Rooftop rumble).It is very easy to control at full speed compared to other sport bikes which are a little too fast for me and often make me crash by accident.

For just the pleasure of cruising around,I´m happy with my Hexer,Daemon,Bagger,Thrust,Sabre Turbo,Phoenix,Vigero,Peyote,Tornado,Stinger and Rhapsody.

I often use my G36 rifle,auto shotgun and sniper rifle in missions with shootouts,so I would say those were my good investments too.

I also think it was a good idea to get apartments that are just across the street from each other(Richards Majestic 51 and Weazel Plaza 70).Both also have great views too.

Edited by LeopardGecko
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I have no words.


But to answer the question. My Blade, I've had so so much use out of it. Its pretty much been all I've used since the update.

Edited by Chronolemon
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The $60 i paid for the game...


Can i have a refund please?

Best or worst ? ,,,,


it was just a joke 8o)

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