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What has been your greatest investment so far in GTA Online?

Princess of the Midwest

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My greatest investments have been my time and my patience. One I can't get back and the other I can't get enough of. <sigh>

Edited by fw3
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Best: buzzard, obviously. Next is my fully nodded akuma (though, as someone on here said- every time I ride it tries to kill me!)


Worst: new apartment cuz the views suck. Sold right away to go back to the old style

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As many others have stated, the Buzzard and Tank have been my greatest investments. I used glitched money to buy them, and pretty much every other Pegasus vehicle. The buzzard is great for lots of missions and you save on ammo. The Tank, pretty self explanatory. I don't use the tank unless it's to put a tank griefer in their place. That or I'll just drive around and blow up cop cars.


Cars? Probably the Entity and Zentorno. Had an Adder but that sh*t is so played out that it's not even worth owning IMO.

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A bati 801 with 25k worth of upgrades, I got a $3million return using the lsc bike glitch.

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As many others have stated, the Buzzard and Tank have been my greatest investments. I used glitched money to buy them, and pretty much every other Pegasus vehicle. The buzzard is great for lots of missions and you save on ammo. The Tank, pretty self explanatory. I don't use the tank unless it's to put a tank griefer in their place. That or I'll just drive around and blow up cop cars.


Cars? Probably the Entity and Zentorno. Had an Adder but that sh*t is so played out that it's not even worth owning IMO.

You missed out the part where a tank is good for cutting a free roam death match short or simply end it

Edited by Biff73
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As many others have stated, the Buzzard and Tank have been my greatest investments. I used glitched money to buy them, and pretty much every other Pegasus vehicle. The buzzard is great for lots of missions and you save on ammo. The Tank, pretty self explanatory. I don't use the tank unless it's to put a tank griefer in their place. That or I'll just drive around and blow up cop cars.


Cars? Probably the Entity and Zentorno. Had an Adder but that sh*t is so played out that it's not even worth owning IMO.

You missed out the part where a tank is good for cutting a free roam death match short or simply end it


Why, that would be considered griefing no? As a tank owner, one must use it appropriately and abide the a certain code of conduct when utilizing such a powerful machine.


Besides, you can only get a couple kills when crashing a deathmatch before they bail to another session. The hate messages you get are pretty entertaining as well.

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Tie for me between the Buzzard and the Vestra. The Buzzard has turned into my primary mode of transportation throughout the GTA:O world. It is small, fast and you can defend yourself against tanks and Lasers.

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Sol Republic

Any of my Super Cars really. Probably will be my tank when I get it in a few days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Easily my high end apt with 10 car garage but even greater than that, my Buzzard Helicopter. I'm pretty good at free aiming those missiles now. I find it much more sporting to go hunting in it that the OP tank.

My Vestra is just fun to fly

Tie for me between the Buzzard and the Vestra. The Buzzard has turned into my primary mode of transportation throughout the GTA:O world. It is small, fast and you can defend yourself against tanks and Lasers.


Against Lazers, I agree. Against a Rhino???? What's your secret? Edited by I_Jeremiah_I
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Greatest investment? GTAO is prolly the worst investment ever! That $50 I spent has done nothing but swallowed hours of time that I could have been learning a second/ third language, volunteering at an animal shelter, visiting the elderly at a nursing home, sky diving, climbing mt. Everest, ending world hunger, running for president, building giant lasers and shooting holes in the moon...


Wait what?...


Oh -.- I'd say my best investment was buying the RPG. Offers more versatility than just having the grenade launcher and sticky bombs/ grenades and has gotten me out of sticky situations.


I like my Turismo R too. That was a nice investment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Easily my high end apt with 10 car garage but even greater than that, my Buzzard Helicopter. I'm pretty good at free aiming those missiles now. I find it much more sporting to go hunting in it that the OP tank.0

My Vestra is just fun to fly


Tie for me between the Buzzard and the Vestra. The Buzzard has turned into my primary mode of transportation throughout the GTA:O world. It is small, fast and you can defend yourself against tanks and Lasers.


Against Lazers, I agree. Against a Rhino???? What's your secret?I like to bait tanks to the midtown area (the tallest buildings) then weave in and out of them blasting my rockets. Most tank drivers get hung up on destroyed cars, buildings, the construction area - which leads to poor shots. I use the buildings as cover and do a s**t load of fly-bys as well as pop out of one side then right back behind - go to the other side, rinse and repeat. When necessary, I jump behind a different building and do it all over again. Takes time, but I have found it effective. Normally other players will join in on the fun since they can pop in and out of hiding places easily in that area. Edited by Apollo00063
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Mr. Crowley

Best actual investment would be the Buzzard. It has paid for itself several times over.

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Zentorno simply because it seems to be my main race vehicle and it earns me quite a bit.

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Buzzard and 2nd Garage, both of these opened up a ton of options for me when I got each of them.

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My adder on my second character. From that initial $1 million investment I have made tens of millions of dollars.

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I bought an infernus for racing thinking it would be fast like the previous installments of gta.


It wasn't the fastest car so it had major disadvantages (you get what you pay for right?) but it taught me the fundamentals of ramming into players and defending my #1 spot. If you race legit with this car, you'll be left in the dust.


Like the movie from Dodgeball "If you can dodge a wrench, You can dodge a ball".. Now apply that to this slow-ass infernus "If you can win with an infernus, you can win with any car"

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I don't know if everyone understands the true power of the buzzard. I call mine up on all those versus missions, when you are running, chasing people or blowing up parking garages. Makes the odds stack heavily in your favour (unless others are doing the same and in my experience they don't).

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The $60 i paid for the game...


Can i have a refund please?



Lol doesn't sound like your greatest investment if you're asking for a refund =P

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Supreme Gentlemen

I bought all the clothes so I can change them in my apartment anytime ;)

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