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What has been your greatest investment so far in GTA Online?

Princess of the Midwest

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Buying and fully modding my Entity an Elegy!


My racing record is 333 Wins and 222 Losses . Since people mostly race Sports an Supers, those two cars are the big reason I have so much success!


I would never do a race again with those numbers.


Racing is the part of this game that I enjoy the most!


Care to explain your thought?



Because 333 and 222 are round numbers. I was just kidding though, if you like racing you should definately keep doing that.



Buying and fully modding my Entity an Elegy!


My racing record is 333 Wins and 222 Losses . Since people mostly race Sports an Supers, those two cars are the big reason I have so much success!

I would never do a race again with those numbers.


When no contact racing comes my stats will jump! I have been leading and coming up on the win some many times and some no driving ass hat crashes me to win!



Yeah me too. Though I do often take advantage of everybody crashing early on so we'll see how that works out. I thought no contact was supposed to be there already though, I was wondering why I couldn't find the option.

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Should be out with the High Life update. When ever that is

Edited by Pirate3388
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Yeah I thought they would just add it with the patch they released earlier. The High Life update is taking so long I'm about to hire a team of developers to mod all the stuff in there themselves.

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To continue on the greatest investment subject....let's do the opposite! What has been your WORST investment?


For me, it would be buying and fully modding an Adder!


Let me make myself clear, It's a beautiful car, it's fun to drive but it's just not worth the price tag...


I like cruising around in freemode with it but the main reason I bought it was for racing. Unfortunately, the only race I use it is on Long Haul 2 (or other similar freeway only tracks). From my experience, the Entity is just the best car on any other tracks!

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6 tries to get the convertible, and upgrades $2.8 million,





So it's kind of your greatest and worst investment at the same time! Good one!

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To continue on the greatest investment subject....let's do the opposite! What has been your WORST investment?


For me, it would be buying and fully modding an Adder!


Let me make myself clear, It's a beautiful car, it's fun to drive but it's just not worth the price tag...


I like cruising around in freemode with it but the main reason I bought it was for racing. Unfortunately, the only race I use it is on Long Haul 2 (or other similar freeway only tracks). From my experience, the Entity is just the best car on any other tracks!


My worst investment was a Hexer. But that bike was really cheap so doesn't really matter. Other than that I like everything I've bought. I've thought all my big purchases through very well.

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Commander S

Worst? A tie between:


- buying a Vigero, rather than just stealing one - then selling it because I had no use for it ...only to steal one one I got a larger garage, and;

- buying a Coquette, getting the open-top one, thinking I wanted the hard-top one and selling it (for only a partial refund) ...then realising you could shove a carbon roof on the open-top version, and then re-buying it specifically hoping to get the exact same car I just sold.

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My turtlebeach px22, now I realise just how awesome the sound is in the game, somehow my sony TV just didn't do it justice. And as an added bonus I can turn the volume down on the squeakers.

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In strictly technical terms, my best investment would be putting insurance on my cars ;)

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Mine are the same as everyone else's it seems: Best investment was my Entity, since most races are super (yawn) and it's good for free roam + missions. Worst the tank, since I've used it about three times and, while I had a lot of fun, I didn't have $1.5M of fun.


I have a buzzard too, but for a lot of missions I'm not sure it's worth the time going to pick it up. Missions are over pretty quickly as it is and I like driving. However - nice to have for sure, and may come in handy for heists.


I'm not forgetting my apartment either. It's not a great investment since it just makes getting to my cars take longer.

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The Valentine's Day stockings.

Every time I fancy a 1v1 in freeroam, I wear them (and little else). They act like flypaper - cheesy guys want to come and check me out (after sending me a friend request). I kill them first, they get angry - then the fun commences.

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The Valentine's Day stockings.


Every time I fancy a 1v1 in freeroam, I wear them (and little else). They act like flypaper - cheesy guys want to come and check me out (after sending me a friend request). I kill them first, they get angry - then the fun commences.

The thirst online is TOO REAL lol
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Double-T and my old Penumbra

My turtlebeach px22, now I realise just how awesome the sound is in the game, somehow my sony TV just didn't do it justice. And as an added bonus I can turn the volume down on the squeakers.

Is it really THAT good?

My old Headset broke, and I need to buy a new one. I thought about getting the PX22, but wasn't sure...

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Buzzard Attack Chopper.


Why? There is no other vehicle of any kind that you can own in this game that gives you as much utility as this chopper.


And no, not even your tank can classify as the "greatest investment", nor can it count as "being in the running".

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How come no one mentioned a garage full of Adders before the hacked money sweep lol.

I have 10 adders from the buy any car glitch, but I don't think that counts as an investment.

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Fully tricked out Faggio


Man the jealous looks I get when I cruise around Los Santos

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I have 10 adders from the buy any car glitch, but I don't think that counts as an investment.

You got them for free but you'll sell them for cash, its like you're Simeon 2.0

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It was the Heavy Sniper until they removed tank sniping... now i would have to say it the Buzzard. The bounty hunters best friend.

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