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[UNCONFIRMED] Jet Pack found in Game Code


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You likely fell for it too, so now you act like you knew all along. The Hoax code followed the file structure. Derp.

You got me.




Houser doesn't write GTA on his own. In fact, different script writers have been employed throughout the series. Shouldn't be news, but plenty seem oblivious and intent on seeing him as the supreme god of GTA who creates everything himself and is solely responsible for everything that happens to it.

There's obviously someone else that does the writing after Houser has passed out from all that whiskey, but the writing team is quite small. It's very likely Dan does most of the dialogue between the characters.
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Fake. Get over yourselves. THERE IS NO JETPACK!


Exactly. And that domislive dude sure as sh*t wont apologize for telling his sheep fans that theyve been lied to

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Wait, didn't multiple people without association with eachother find this though? Not just one guy and his group of friends?


Is it some kind of conspiracy?



I'll slap you across your left cheek with my dick if you go for a "funny ironic" Illuminati/tinfoil hat joke


Edited by Xerukal
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I really hope it isn't fake, I wasn't one of those people that cried about the lack of jetpacks, or slogged through the game searching for jetpack clues, but you can't deny the addition of a jetpack is pretty massive.

I for one can't wait.

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I hope its fake. If its real then i hope its single player only cause rank 100+ assholes will troll all day. Imagine minding your own business when suddenly a f*cktard in a jetpack comes, shoots and kills you then flies away.

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I'll slap you across your left cheek with my dick if you go for a "funny ironic" Illuminati/tinfoil hat joke

Even if they had the best conspiracy joke, who would even dare go against the guy who came up with the name "illuminaudi" in that audi subliminal advertising thread? They'd have to be crazy.

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I think the Tomatinati is to be more feared than the Illuminati.

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"Hey guyz" "Guyz".


Every GTA Online videos. Ever.







How many LEAKED DLC JETPACK FILES videos are on youtube now?

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I don't think this is fake guys. They would have to have way too much time on their hands to fake this kind of proof. Chrome used IDA Pro to reverse engineer the xex, and it would take way too much time to simply fake this. What is there to gain?


Unlike fake XML finds, this is actually legit. I speak as someone knowledgeable in this stuff, as I reverse engineer myself. So please, stop crying "FAKE" over something legit.

Edited by CarLuver69
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Let's just hope this won't be a f*cking Online exclusive. But anyway... it's happening!

No it's not.

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I don't think this is fake guys. They would have to have way too much time on their hands to fake this kind of proof. Chrome used IDA Pro to reverse engineer the xex, and it would take way too much time to simply fake this. What is there to gain?


Unlike fake XML finds, this is actually legit. I speak as someone knowledgeable in this stuff, as I reverse engineer myself. So please, stop crying "FAKE" over something legit.


Did you see the North Yankton hoax? It had a bunch of fake code people believed to be legit.

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Fake, have you people ever thought that this dude just took some coding and edited it to say jetpack?

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Jesus guys, this might be real. That is a HUGE might, but it still is more likely to be fake. My North Yankton Hoax got pretty far on the news, just like this is.


For example, I've studied GTA for a few years, so replicating some code wasn't the most difficult thing to do. The OP could be similar to myself and know how to replicate/produce legitimate code.


Such as this:

    <Item>      <Name>BS_NIKO</Name>      <TargetRadius value="2.500000" />      <KeepMovingWhilePathingDistance value="4.000000" />      <MaxDistanceMayAdjustPathEndPosition value="1.500000" />      <SeekModeScanTimeMin value="500" />      <SeekModeScanTimeMax value="3000" />      <MeleeMovementMBR value="2.000000" />      <AttackFrequencyWorstFighterMinInMs value="500" />      <AttackFrequencyWorstFighterMaxInMs value="2000" />      <AttackFrequencyBestFighterMinInMs value="100" />      <AttackFrequencyBestFighterMaxInMs value="1500" />      <AttackRangeMax value="3.000000" />      <AttackProbabilityToComboMin value="0.600000" />      <AttackProbabilityToComboMax value="0.850000" />      <ProbabilityToBeDazedMin value="0.300000" />      <ProbabilityToBeDazedMax value="0.100000" />      <BlockProbabilityMin value="0.050000" />      <BlockProbabilityMax value="0.350000" />      <CounterProbabilityMin value="0.050000" />      <CounterProbabilityMax value="0.350000" />      <TauntFrequencyMinInMs value="3000" />      <TauntFrequencyMaxInMs value="5000" />      <TauntProbability value="0.900000" />      <TauntFrequencyQueuedMinInMs value="1000" />      <TauntFrequencyQueuedMaxInMs value="2500" />      <TauntProbabilityQueued value="0.600000" />      <PlayTauntBeforeAttacking value="false" />    </Item>

That was the faked fighting entry for Niko Bellic in the North Yankton hoax. Looks legit, but that doesn't mean it is.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><For>North_Yankton_DLC</For><rage__ptxgpuDropEmitterSettings>  <boxCentreOffset x="0.000000" y="10.000000" z="5.000000" />  <boxSize x="22.000000" y="22.000000" z="18.000000" />  <lifeMinMax x="6.000000" y="9.000000" />  <velocityMin x="-0.200000" y="-0.200000" z="-3.000000" />  <velocityMax x="1.000000" y="1.800000" z="-6.000000" /></rage__ptxgpuDropEmitterSettings>

That is the weather emitter for the North Yankton hoax. Is it real? No. Does it look the part of being legit? Most definitely.

<CPedClothCollision>    <Item>      <Name>Niko_Jacket</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Gimp_suit</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Heavy_Jacket_Blue</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Strap_on_purple</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Ski_Mask_Camo</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Dirty_Knit</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Hobo_Clothes</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>

That is the clothes with the C-style entry format. Legit? Nope.


I trolled hundreds of people across several websites. I know how the GTA franchise works at the core. I can troll, and code. I can verify that this is most definitely going to be a fraud. Sorry OP, but you can't bullsh*t a bullsh*tter.


Think about it. Nobody backed me up on my sources because they were fake. Someone needs to back up the OP before this thread gets locked. The news is already spreading, if it was true R* would've taken this down.

Edited by theNGclan
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That was the faked fighting entry for Niko Bellic in the North Yankton hoax. Looks legit, but that doesn't mean it is. Think about it. Nobody backed me up on my sources because they were fake. Someone needs to back up the OP before this thread gets locked. The news is already spreading, if it was true R* would've taken this down.


That's probably why we're still talking about it. Sam/Dan Houser are probably sitting in their Jacuzzi, sipping Earl Grey from the bottle, and laughing their jiggly balls off at us.

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This isn't like pre-release gameplay leaks, this in the grand scheme of things is a very minor feature. Hardly anything for anyone at Rockstar Games to get their knickers in a twist over.

Edited by Raavi
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The thread should be locked unless someone can verify the code actually exists. Wasn't that the end of the Hunt for North Yankton? Because no proof was there?

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I've edited the title, that should suffice for now.

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is it possible that the jetpack has always been hidden in SP but just hasn't been found yet or can this only be a new thing from the update?

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Jetpack... Whats the point? I prefer helicopters. Want a jetpack, go play San Andreas.

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I've edited the title, that should suffice for now.




Are you serious?


These strings of code were looked upon by members of the Se7en sins community and it is legit.


This is confirmed.

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I've edited the title, that should suffice for now.




Are you serious?


These strings of code were looked upon by members of the Se7en sins community and it is legit.


This is confirmed.


Until I see someone from these forums verify it, like Ash_735, Deji or NTAuthority prove it exists, we can regard it as false.

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I've edited the title, that should suffice for now.



Are you serious?


These strings of code were looked upon by members of the Se7en sins community and it is legit.


This is confirmed.

For me it iant confirmed until rockstar themselves says its confirmed or I am flying around in a jetpack in gta V

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That was the faked fighting entry for Niko Bellic in the North Yankton hoax. Looks legit, but that doesn't mean it is. Think about it. Nobody backed me up on my sources because they were fake. Someone needs to back up the OP before this thread gets locked. The news is already spreading, if it was true R* would've taken this down.


But the Massacro and Zentorno weren't taken down and now they are 2 of the next incoming cars for the HL Update

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That was the faked fighting entry for Niko Bellic in the North Yankton hoax. Looks legit, but that doesn't mean it is. Think about it. Nobody backed me up on my sources because they were fake. Someone needs to back up the OP before this thread gets locked. The news is already spreading, if it was true R* would've taken this down.


But the Massacro and Zentorno weren't taken down and now they are 2 of the next incoming cars for the HL Update

Cars? Big whoop. A jetpack is more groundbreaking in comparison.


Something the series has been missing, something people have been craving. The ability to explore the map by flying with a mobile air transport.

Edited by theNGclan
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If there is a jetpack, I hope it's not affected by turbulence. I hate that wobbly sh*t when flying helicopters.

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