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funniest thing you have seen?


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mainly other players but what is the funniest thing you have seen on this game?

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One time, when coming into a new session, the very first words I heard from a mic were: "Now if I could just get you inside my ass!" I never did figure out what the context of that conversation was.

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last week i had 2 guys pulling each other out of my entity XF over and over again. at least 6 times each. one got in his own car and we got on with the mission


another guy was on railyard survival. first of all he had his mic on and was singing along to a tune. kind of! i heard a line from the song then he repeated it. then he climbed up on a container and fell off backwards landing on his head. i have tried and cant seem to achieve that. then we went to sandy survival and he was running around with a pink assault rifle shouting 'YEAH, RAMBO STYLE'

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Some guy went off the radar and tank jacked a tank griefer that guy wasn't happy at all even screamed my tank noo


Or when I was in a bulldozer some random thought to drive at me and start to shoot me so I flipped him over. So many people ended up wanting that bulldozer so it turned into a war for it

Edited by Garrett2013
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Earlier I saw 2 tanks having a fight. It was funny because I swooped down with my jet and blew up both tanks one after the other. It was perfect.

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This was last Tuesday. Two Germans (I understand and speak German fluently myself, but don't have a mic), I started by drive-by shooting one of them, and then they started chasing me. The funniest thing was, they were both level 150+, I was level 59. At some point, I was in the shopping street where the diamond store heist takes place in Story Mode, and found a little corner where I could hide, and I managed to kill them both many times, although they came from each end of the shopping street, and used both RPG and Minigun. Most epic part was when I had climbed a ladder to a roof across one of the hotel backlots in the expensive area in Los Santos, threw a sticky bomb on one of the cars parked there, and as one of the Germans passed by in his PV, I detonated the sticky bomb, exploding four cars in total, including the PV. That was epic, and you could hear the Germans actually praising me for that tactic - they definitely didn't see that coming. By the way, the "match" ended somthing like 30-13 in their favor (them killing me about 30 times in total, me killing them about 13 times in total). But nonetheless, it was good times, and I haven't had that much fun in a long time before that.

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last week i had 2 guys pulling each other out of my entity XF over and over again. at least 6 times each. one got in his own car and we got on with the mission


another guy was on railyard survival. first of all he had his mic on and was singing along to a tune. kind of! i heard a line from the song then he repeated it. then he climbed up on a container and fell off backwards landing on his head. i have tried and cant seem to achieve that. then we went to sandy survival and he was running around with a pink assault rifle shouting 'YEAH, RAMBO STYLE'

Minus the pink assault rifle that could well have been me.

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I was lucky enough to join a session with a drunk lady in it. The following are quotes from her. She was freaking WASTED.


"Shut up, Damien! Youre so full of sh*t! You're so full of sh*t, that...that your eyes are brown!"


"Damien, come drive me around. I'm too drunk, I cant drive. I need a Double D: a Designated Damien"


"No, don't shoot me! I'll die and my kids wont have a mother"


"Damien, can you teach me how to dougie?"


"Hey, what are you doing?..my momma? Well, that's not very nice."


"Oh my gosh, a submarine! Let's go find Nemo!.What? Oh, I'm just looking for the Little Mermaid." *Starts singing Under The Sea*


By the way, what's ratchet? I thought that was a wrench thing you use to tighten things on a tire or wait, maybe its wretched. That makes more sense


"Oh and one more thing, whats turn up? I mean, how do you get turnt up?"


"oh yeah? Well you like sex with cows!"


(This one is when I decided to pick her up after I saw her running down the street. The car she's talking about is my Dilettante/Prius.)

"What, you want me to get in the car with you? Okay Damien, Ive been kidnapped! The guys in a pink car, license plate number 27KW636. Call in an Amber alert!what do you mean Amber Alert is only for little kids? No its not. Its for Ambers too, and my name is Amber"

Edited by tmtakumi
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the first week or so of playing GTA online, my mate bought the same car as Trevor. took about 4 of us to the highway to ride up the hill and jump the fence into the army base. the other 2 in the back flopped out as the car went up the hill, never laughed so hard over a game in my life. its a have to of been there moment but it proper tickled me :lol: just seeing em flop out n fall down the hill was hilarious

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The Flat 47

This might not technically be the point of this thread, but I was flying my luxor to get my car from the impound. I ditched it mid air over the impound, got my car and saw that my luxor was still on the map (its a pegasus vehicle). So I go over to it, near the housing near the impound lot, and its just suspended there in mid-air, like its nose diving but its not moving. So I think, I've gotta get a picture of this, so I move in closer for a better shot. As soon as I'm just about underneath it, it suddenly unfreezes and drops out the sky onto my head, killing me.

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Waiting for a race to start, some kid starts singing "smokin and ridin, smokin and ridin." It wasn't even on the lobby radio.


I steal an npc car, and she screams at me "I got your plate!"


During Rooftop Rumble when I cover behind a wall, one guy usually says "Man, I can't catch nobody."

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last week i had 2 guys pulling each other out of my entity XF over and over again. at least 6 times each. one got in his own car and we got on with the mission


another guy was on railyard survival. first of all he had his mic on and was singing along to a tune. kind of! i heard a line from the song then he repeated it. then he climbed up on a container and fell off backwards landing on his head. i have tried and cant seem to achieve that. then we went to sandy survival and he was running around with a pink assault rifle shouting 'YEAH, RAMBO STYLE'


That sounds kinda like my friend's dad. He plays Call of Duty in the evenings and runs into firefights holding a live grenade and yelling RAMBO TECHNIIIQUE

Edited by chainsoar
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This might not technically be the point of this thread, but I was flying my luxor to get my car from the impound. I ditched it mid air over the impound, got my car and saw that my luxor was still on the map (its a pegasus vehicle). So I go over to it, near the housing near the impound lot, and its just suspended there in mid-air, like its nose diving but its not moving. So I think, I've gotta get a picture of this, so I move in closer for a better shot. As soon as I'm just about underneath it, it suddenly unfreezes and drops out the sky onto my head, killing me.

that reminds me of something else

when you get to wave 4, 7 or 10 on a survival and you take great pleasure in taking a helicopter down, try and make sure the flaming pile of scrap metal doesn't fall on top of a team mate killing them




yeah that one was me

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Funniest things other players did to mess with me:


I played against some dude on a drop/pickup mission and we went back and forth killing each other until I finally won. Then about 20 mins later, I parked in the desert next to a mission sphere. Then took a bathroom break. Suddenly I could hear a heli and when I saw my screen, that same dude had lifted my car with the cargobob and was flying across the state with it. Curious what he'd do, I just watched and kept laughing. Eventually he dropped me into the military base.


I was clothes shopping in SubUrban. When done, I went to the door and found someone had blocked me into the store with a parked vehicle. I had to kill myself to get out.


On a mission with 3 other players, I was a passenger in a plane and I watched as the others repeatedly fought over (throwing each other out) who would fly it. Understandably, we failed that co-op.

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When my friend and I were beating up pedestrians. I went to hit an old man with a baseball bat and I missed the old man. I hit my friend in the face and he did a backflip! It was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen. What made it even funnier was the way my friend yelled when he flipped.

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ever see a super car do a back flip and dummy smack a random player off of the top of his car?


my face cramped up for an hour from laughing so hard.

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