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Really want to get verified!


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Hey guys, check out my team deathmatch and tell me what you all think (also please like)!! http://rsg.ms/1qrsmNX any ideas on how to make it better, and is it 'verified' worthy? Feel free to post your own deathmatches & other created content :)

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it should be really very bad in order to getting verified

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it should be really very bad in order to getting verified

Ouch...that hurts man. Coupe D'etat is not that bad.

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I've seen a huge uptick in quality the last couple of rounds w/r/t races. I haven't played many of the new verified TDM's except for Power Station, which I thought was just ok.


I've seen that more than one race from the "Approved ___ Races" threads have been verified. I'd really love to see something like that for deathmatches. I wouldn't have the time to spearhead such a thing (like most people, I guess) but it would be cool to have a group of folks playing each other's maps so we could actually get full lobbies.

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it should be really very bad in order to getting verified

Ouch...that hurts man. Coupe D'etat is not that bad.


No man I'm talking about verified deathmatches.Most of them are really terrible,such as "Battle GTA","Classy Construction",""Seal Team Six".I don't do races in general but I liked all verified ones that I played,including your Coup D'Etat one.I only liked some verified DMs like Paintball and Lodge Battle,but the rest of them are really very bad.

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Even if the verified thing doesnt work out, it would be good to see how it would go with a full lobby :) its so hard to get people to join things that arent RR or survivals :(

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I've seen a huge uptick in quality the last couple of rounds w/r/t races. I haven't played many of the new verified TDM's except for Power Station, which I thought was just ok.


I've seen that more than one race from the "Approved ___ Races" threads have been verified. I'd really love to see something like that for deathmatches. I wouldn't have the time to spearhead such a thing (like most people, I guess) but it would be cool to have a group of folks playing each other's maps so we could actually get full lobbies.

There are approved deathmatch threads...they just arent pinned. Frankly reviewing and approving DM's seems a lot more difficult to do.
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Captain Revenge

I hear u about being verified, some of the races that have been verified are totally lame and appears to b created by 8 year olds, for instance, Jump and Die, jumps jumps jumps are both lame in comparison to 1 that took me 4hours to make and test. posting here with my PS3 i can't leave a link to it, just search my R* social club name of RevengeModeDelta race name The Amazing Race, it is a high speed super class car race with 13 well thought out jumps, some ramps are 2 stories off the ground and u can get some really good air off them, including ramp #6 which will make your adder sail over an 8 lane highway with plenty of room on either side of the highway for landing.

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it should be really very bad in order to getting verified

Haha, thats quality!

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I hear u about being verified, some of the races that have been verified are totally lame and appears to b created by 8 year olds, for instance, Jump and Die, jumps jumps jumps are both lame in comparison to 1 that took me 4hours to make and test. posting here with my PS3 i can't leave a link to it, just search my R* social club name of RevengeModeDelta race name The Amazing Race, it is a high speed super class car race with 13 well thought out jumps, some ramps are 2 stories off the ground and u can get some really good air off them, including ramp #6 which will make your adder sail over an 8 lane highway with plenty of room on either side of the highway for landing.

That sounds so totally different to Jumps, Jumps, Jumps.

I spend a fair bit longer than 4hrs on some of my races. They're ongoing things. I'd say 4hrs is the minimum.

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