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Annoying mouse controls

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I recently got GTA 4 while it was on some sale on steam, and it's the first time I've played a new GTA game since San Andreas. Everything works perfectly, except for the sh*tty controls: when I walk forward and use the mouse to turn 90° left or right, the view doesn't just stay where I aimed at but moves back a little toward the direction I was previously facing. Same thing happens when I run, only much more noticeable. My guess is that this behaviour is intended, for those playing with a controller pad or on consoles or something... for me, it pretty much ruins the game. How am I supposed to aim like that, or run after someone?

Also, why does the camera turn when I strafe? Is that intended too? Can I fix it?


Comments and help appreciated.


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The Algerian

The whole thing is ridiculous, impossible to precisely aim at anything.

You can clearly see this is some sh*tty console port, they didn't even try doing something decent with the mouse controls, they just ported the stick controls over and added mouse support to it.

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i like the controls pretty much and have played all the GTA iterations. i think its more you guys' playing style. its not a way to fix it far as i know, maybe there's a mod that changes it? but that is for the forum in YELLOW

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The Algerian

i like the controls pretty much and have played all the GTA iterations. i think its more you guys' playing style. its not a way to fix it far as i know, maybe there's a mod that changes it? but that is for the forum in YELLOW


The hell are you talking about, playing style? I play it like I play any shooter, aim for the head and don't waste bullets.


Heh, it's a bit better when you turn down the mouse sensitivity by a lot.

Still, it's pretty bad for a PC game when the mouse just skips like 100 pixels.

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