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'Lost Souls MC Aus' Now looking for prospects


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I've just made this PS3 crew because, i wanted a MC crew.


If you want to join,Here is the link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/_lost_souls_mc_aus


just message me your PSN ID, and ill add you.


after i have added you, i will play with you to see if your good for the crew.



You will need at least one of these motorcycles:


LCC Hexer motorcycle

Western Bagger

Western Daemon


You need to wear a leather jacket with the crew emblem on the back.


If you have assisted aim on you will have to convert to free aim


I need members who will leave this crew as active and will be online most of the time,

Timezone: AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)


I am looking for Loyal Members, People who can take a joke and laugh, We must respect Each other. We have our own Hangout, once you have joined the Crew I will Take you to our Hangout. We have a good Emblem and A Cool Crew Colour. I am Looking forward to new members. ThankYou. XxFuzionnxX


Leader Contact:http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/xxfuzionnxx

Edited by anjoullboy
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Opie Grim Reapers MC

Looks cool, My MC is doing a biker bash this weekend would you guys like to come?

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