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Bitch Fight Sunday

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Me and my crew tend to do this every week. At the moment I am the leader and that means when we drive I am at the front and others follow. I decide who does what in missions etc. Every week I (or who ever is in charge) has to accept a challenge to a one one fist fight at the Vinewood bowl. It's the fist to 5 wins who takes over. We also solve in crew grievances with this method every Sunday as the under card to the main event.

It's nothing serious but it is a good laugh and it keeps things fresh. Does anyone else do anything like this with their crew? Just wondering

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No, our crew just randomly breaks up into teams and kills each other and everyone else in free roam lobbies sometimes. Everyone's a good sport which makes it kind of fun.


Even though, we don't get in many arguments, I like the idea of settling grievances by fist fights.

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Soran Is On

QTOD hold initiations in the prison, cage fight, whole crew VS inductee.


Then it just boils down into a proper brawl and we all have a good laugh. I should be stopping by the qotd forums more as I havent played with a bunch in a while.

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Great idea. When shall I bring the chrome tank?


Just kidding (about the tank of course)


Sunday :lol:


Sounds like fun. :lol:

Make it a cat fight, and let everyone use their female characters. :p


We are only a small crew. Not sure if any of us have female characters hahaha


No, our crew just randomly breaks up into teams and kills each other and everyone else in free roam lobbies sometimes. Everyone's a good sport which makes it kind of fun.


Even though, we don't get in many arguments, I like the idea of settling grievances by fist fights.


We don't really either, but most of my crew are in a whatsapp conversation where slagging usually starts, which then leads onto a fist fight on the sunday LOL


QTOD hold initiations in the prison, cage fight, whole crew VS inductee.


Then it just boils down into a proper brawl and we all have a good laugh. I should be stopping by the qotd forums more as I havent played with a bunch in a while.


We have a similar rule when you fist join Kirky Funk... If its your first time, you have to fight .... Yeah the fight club thing :lol:

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Our crew just causes trouble, chillout, go on adventures, do minigames (wrecking ball, maze murder etc..), do some jobs and a bunch more.

We only do these on certain days which is.. everyday :D


Our crew is nothing serious, we're just around to have fun. ^-^

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Jolly Swagman

QTOD hold initiations in the prison, cage fight, whole crew VS inductee.


Then it just boils down into a proper brawl and we all have a good laugh. I should be stopping by the qotd forums more as I havent played with a bunch in a while.

Yeah I should do the same. Normally see most of em my saturday morning/ their friday night but Ive slept ion the past two weeks

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