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Calling all racers!


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I have recently completed designing a custom race that I am proud enough to put my stamp on it and sent it out to the world. I had some pro gaming friends visit the other day and I asked them what they liked/wanted in a GTA race. The main features we discussed were things like choice/consequence, speed, jumps, separate routes, balance of turns vs straights, balance of power-ups, and overall skill level (as in sight reading the course on the first run vs running multiple races).

I take game design seriously, so I took it as a challenge to design a race within the constraints that the GTA editor held me to and to create something that would hold up to the standards expected in an awesome GTA race. Once I had something I liked I passed it off to them for some runs, I was immediately frustrated watching them get stuck in weird spots or making "wrong" decisions, lol... As a game designer that is always the low point, watching someone go the wrong way or do the wrong thing. This led to a long period of subtle adjustments, moving something a few feet, adding a ramp to escape from the wrong side of a barrier, and simply refining the idea. Every time I watched someone new play it, I would have a new list of mental notes, lol...

I finally got the kinks worked out and sent it live, it was a very satisfying feeling after the first full public game of 16 players liked it, with nearly all finishing and most returning for another round. It just makes me wish the object limit was more than 50 items, I had enough for my track, but I wanted to add more polish. When I ran out of items I kept redesigning my barriers to use less objects for use somewhere else, therefore most barriers are quite simple (bus and fence, lol).

Yes, this is a long post for a simple race, but I am proud of it and I feel like I designed the hell out of it :) Its fun with 2-16, within the limits of the GTA editor it turned out pretty good.

Here it is: http://rsg.ms/1qoUNfy

Lemme know what you think, I welcome complaints and suggestions ;)




Oh, almost forgot!

I recommend "catch up" and "slipstream" be turned off. I designed it with the intention of those being turned off, but for some reason that is one of the few settings that can be changed in the lobby. Also its a "GTA" race, so obviously that is the intended race type ;) Custom cars is fine, the track was planned using the Entity XF, but for those that love the Adder, it works just fine. Tested with the Adder, Cheetah, and Entity XF.

Edited by TimmyChaw
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Hi bro,


do you do video ? If not, give me a shout, and I'll make one.

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