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how to fix ID Limit Breached ?


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hey , i have a problem

i want to add many new object in gta sa , so i installed San Andreas Limit Adjuster , after that i imported dff, txd and col file into img file. then i adding item definition in my IDE file and adding item location in my IPL file ..

but the game crash when loading :(

i have installed the limit adjuster but why the game still crash ?

but when i delete item location in my IPL file, the games work ...

please help me :(, sorry for my bad english

this is debug info


GTA Info:




Version: US 1.0


Last File Loaded:


Last Library Loaded:


Error: ID Limit Breached




Assembly Info:




Exception At Address: 0x00534134


Exception Code: 0xc0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)






EAX: 0x00000000 EBX: 0x0000028A


ECX: 0x02E83F44 EDX: 0x0E1E6D70


ESI: 0x0E1E6D70 EDI: 0x00000000


EBP: 0x008E2CB0 ESP: 0x0022FCBC

Edited by DDD65
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If you have added more the 5 objects to SA, that is the Limit.


You could remove a lot of useless objects to free up ID's but the problem is the 19999 limit barrier.


This hasn't been hacked yet.

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0x00534134 is a col error, you can only add one new col to a default game. Either the collision is missing for the model, or most likely you have hit a limit of the amount of different cols that a game can have. You can easily fix this by combining the new col with another one that is already in your game with steve-m's Col Editor 2.

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  • 10 years later...
On 4/11/2014 at 4:06 AM, nWo51289 said:

0x00534134 is a col error, you can only add one new col to a default game. Either the collision is missing for the model, or most likely you have hit a limit of the amount of different cols that a game can have. You can easily fix this by combining the new col with another one that is already in your game with steve-m's Col Editor 2.

What the f*ck is this supposed to mean EXPLAIN

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