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Dream the impossible

Dream of a planet of

Fire and a dinosaur

With a saddle. If not

For me who am I?

Spaceship earth over-

Population means breakdown

Of order

The fruit tree is a lie


its found on a garage door at Liberty st and bay city ave

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Don't eat the forbidden fruit kids


Edited by I3AZZAI2
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Goddamnit, a simple link to a better explaination than mine. Well this sucks. Ignore below, then. :/

Found a picture for you all:


"Dream a planet of fire and a dinosaur with a saddle"

I'm sure this refers to the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs (am I really talking about History when I know nothing about it? Goddamn, wikipedia, help me)...or whatever that killed the dinosaurs. I then Googled "dinosaur with saddle" and it gave me this:


That is a Stegosaurus with a saddle from the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, which talks about Young Earth Creationism (I'm totally saying what Wikipedia is saying, to be honest) which I think is the belief of God creating earth in six days, but taking the words more literally. I think it means that Young Earth Creationism is the Christians believing God created earth while Old Earth Creationism is the scientific approach to earth being created by The Big Bang and multiple space-related stuff that I have no clue about.

"If not for me who am I?"

Well humans are alike in many ways so I think this means that we're not that different. As racist this may sounds, the only relation/example I can think of is how all asians look alike. So basically if not for you as a person, you're just another human.

"Spaceship earth over"

I'll take this literally but it seems Earth is implied as a Spaceship, traversing into space (we're never in the same spot in space, ever, always moving around the sun as well as moving through space), is over. Over meaning it doesn't exist now, it's done, completed, meaning that earth got destroyed. While it may suggest that meteorite of earlier may of just destroyed earth, I think it ended another way (which is a very popular theory for how the world will end). Keep reading.

"Population means breakdown of order"

As time passes, earth gets more and more populated. People die but people are born every second, someone always comes into this world. While I would love to back that fact up with numbers, I sadly don't know them or can't bother to search them. The breakdown will come from us, humans, lusting for power. Every year we advance in research of finding new places to live as we know we're doom. We're destroying the planet. The amount of pollution by toxic waste and gas, we're going to kill ourselves. Mother Nature won't die, we won't kill Earth, we'll kill ourselves. Earth will renew itself, grow back, but for who? Another megaannum of humans? No one knows. So somehow, we'll all die and population all over the world will succumb to our eternal slumber.

"The fruit tree is a lie"

That one confuses me the most. It's probably a reference to Adam and Eve and the Forbidden Tree where Eve eats an apple (a fruit), in the Garden of Eden. I'm thinking humanity "ate" from the Forbidden Tree, thus destroying our earth (expelling us from the Garden of Eden), to realize what we had was good but we destroyed it (but we're dead by then so we don't realize sh*t). It's confusing me because it says the Forbidden Tree is a lie, as if we can indulge in any immoral pleasuresdesires we want. Forbidden Tree is said to have fruits that represent said immoral pleasures/desires. I just don't see how this last line fits with the rest of the poem.

Nice find. Oh, and please feel free to tell me, sentence by sentence, how awfully wrong I am.
I never focused in class. But it's nice to know there's this in the game. So I'll try to find this, wherever these streets are.

This is just my opinion and what I think of it. It's obviously not true as I'm not as educated as other members on here but hopefully I'm a bit close to the truth.

Showing my work because this is the only research I've done since High School:

Sources: *A lot of Wikipedia stuff*

tl;dr: Some religious bullsh*t on a garage door talking about earth being destroyed. MAYBE.

Edited by livejoker
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In del perro. I would post a pic of exact location but idk how to yet. Im new to the forum.

In the allyway behind up n atom

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Jolly Swagman

Jack Reacher once took a sh*t in front of that garage door and wrote this to pass the time.

Edited by Jolly SWAGman
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My guess is someone was on a heavy acid trip and decided to share his new found knowledge with future generations.


...granted there is a next generation because that over-population thing is kind of forboding...

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"The fruit tree is a lie"

That one confuses me the most. It's probably a reference to Adam and Eve and the Forbidden Tree where Eve eats an apple (a fruit), in the Garden of Eden.

The fruit tree and everything else in this graffiti is referring to the Epsilon tree and the tract Michael gets in SP, apples, pears, we are all from the same tree etc, the tract is a metaphorical play on evolution and creationism combined with scientology in parody form, its pretty indepth stuff actually i wont bother to ramble on about as its a bit of a gray area, but if anyone wants to hear a theory on the tract and the "Secrets of the GTA Universe" and what it means,

just ask.......ever wonder why Epsilonists call each other brother brother & uncle uncle etc? despise people with red hair? why Cris Formage really appears when we first die in GTA Online? its explainable but debatable

Edited by One Poor Fool
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World Champion

Dream the Impossible Dream: A song about trapped prisoners, who escape.


Of a planet of fire and a dinosaur with a saddle: This is referring to how there is no mention of dinosaurs in the bible.


If not for me, who am I?: There is no life after death.


Spaceship Earth over populated means breakdown of order: This hints at the need for future humans to eventually migrate from Earth, or self destruct.


The fruit tree is a lie: Don't be held back behind by religion.



The whole message implies it has been written by some sort of Alien.

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"The fruit tree is a lie"

That one confuses me the most. It's probably a reference to Adam and Eve and the Forbidden Tree where Eve eats an apple (a fruit), in the Garden of Eden.

The fruit tree is referring to the Epsilon tree from the tract Michael gets in SP, apples, pears, we are all from the same tree etc, the tract is a metaphorical play on evolution and creationism combined with scientology in parody form, its pretty indepth stuff actually i wont bother to ramble on about as its a bit of a gray area, but if anyone wants to hear a theory on the tract and the "Secrets of the GTA Universe" and what it means , just ask.......ever wonder why Epsilonists call each other brother brother & uncle uncle etc? despise people with red hair? its explainable but debatable


I'm keen to read your hypothesis, especially if it gives me another reason to hate gingers :devil:

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