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Anyone wanna play? [PS3]


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Well, I swear alot I try not to it just happens...

420 friendly, spend most of my time on GTA stoned out of my mind lol...

I dont want to play with no weirdos just some normal people ya know

American people hopefully, I'm not going to lie, people from the UK drive me crazy with the accents, I seriously picture everyone drinking tea with f*cked up teeth lolol...


Im bored I've done every mission, I have 10 cars, I have everything else I want, and none of my crew is playing right now soooo who wants to dick around and do some sh*t? Anything...

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Well, I swear alot I try not to it just happens...

420 friendly, spend most of my time on GTA stoned out of my mind lol...

I dont want to play with no weirdos just some normal people ya know

American people hopefully, I'm not going to lie, people from the UK drive me crazy with the accents, I seriously picture everyone drinking tea with f*cked up teeth lolol...


Im bored I've done every mission, I have 10 cars, I have everything else I want, and none of my crew is playing right now soooo who wants to dick around and do some sh*t? Anything...

hahahahah finally i found someone on the same page hahahah man when ever im on gta i got nutting but kush in my blood good to find a fellow 420 brother add me up i play most nights if im not too baked


psn is "luna-tec"

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Well, I swear alot I try not to it just happens...

420 friendly, spend most of my time on GTA stoned out of my mind lol...

I dont want to play with no weirdos just some normal people ya know

American people hopefully, I'm not going to lie, people from the UK drive me crazy with the accents, I seriously picture everyone drinking tea with f*cked up teeth lolol...


Im bored I've done every mission, I have 10 cars, I have everything else I want, and none of my crew is playing right now soooo who wants to dick around and do some sh*t? Anything...

hahahahah finally i found someone on the same page hahahah man when ever im on gta i got nutting but kush in my blood good to find a fellow 420 brother add me up i play most nights if im not too baked


psn is "luna-tec"

Ok man ill add you today, my PSN is Guns4Hire586 so keep an eye out for it.

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If youre bored try my deathmatch http://rsg.ms/1qrsmNX and let me know what you think! Im tryna get verified lol -.- also my psn id is the same as my username here so feel free to add :) im scottish & dont have f*cked up teeth if that helps...

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