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Mods are biased


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Now I have come to the realization that you don't really have freedoms on here. You may be able to create what topics you want, but if the majority doesn't like it, then it will be locked. EX: There is a certain someone who creates troll threads for no apparent reason, and yet, he still is allowed to post without locks. There is also a certain someone who feels entitled to create a thread group, and if someone else creates a similar thread, then it is irrelevant. Is this really what discussions are supposed to be? No, they are supposed to be about YOUR opinions about subjects, without bias. If this gets locked, then that's a perfect example of this bias that the mods have.

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You are better off complaining here.




Also suggest you are more specific in nature about your complaints, and don't forget there isn't a you and them atmosphere here, if you communicate well, this is a free service and it's better the site is over moderated, rather than under-moderated ;)

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Dark war, man. Nothing will change unless we have a civil war.

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Now I have come to the realization that you don't really have freedoms on here.


Do any of us really have freedoms, man? Aren't we all just biological machines running on outdated software that concerns the base tasks of mating and fighting over and over until one day our bodies give up and keel over? Think about it, man. Who's free in this world? Time is a flat circle, you have to realize that before you can proceed.

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