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Merryweather attack chopper useless at the worst times


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I called one in during that mission where you steal the helicopter from all those mercs or w/e for Lester and then you get chased by the chopper, I thought you could lose it but it doesn't appear that's an option, so you do have to land the chopper and fight, my partner had being useless and died so I was left alone, so I called in the Merryweather attack helicopter thinking it'd just shoot the other chopper out of the sky and I'd be fine.


However when I stopped to let the enemy chopper catch up to me and allow the close lurking Merryweather attack chopper to do its thing it did nothing? It just hovered there until I realized it was fruitless, tried taking off and was shot dead by the mercs, meaning the chopper just smashed into the mountain.


Anyone else noticed this?

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Yeah, I think it's generally well known that the chopper backup is pretty much useless... It's a shame, really!

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I liken it to those little sprite pet things you can get in certain mmo's/rpgs. Just a little zap here and there until they despawn.

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