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along with No spamming.


there should be a rule called You may not post 3 or more threads less than 24 hours


I posted a lot good threads like 2times per-day or so and a few got quite mad at me because i post too much threads so i figure adding this would help. i always follow the rules and never break them on purpose. i'm a nice guy who helps around.

Edited by AlexSniperBullet
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As long as you're posting threads that hold ground for decent discussion and are quite a contribution, there really is no rule that says you can't post more than one topic.


There's no need for such a rule.. people that make multiple topics in such a close time frame and just making random topics that are grounds for spam, trolling, etc will be dealt with. That's why we have the report feature. If someone gets upset at you for creating multiple topics, just ignore it or report it for an area moderator to stop by and make a consensus on the situation.

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well one of my threads went up side down and people started to talk about how i post too much and say i would get temp banned etc. man i don't want to be on the wrong side with the mods lol

Edited by AlexSniperBullet
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You have nothing to fear.. people will post comments like that. Just ignore it.


I haven't seen you post anything worthy of being temp banned nor do you seem a nuisance (yet).. so you're in the clear. If people derail your topics with comments like that, simply report them and let the led-by's or mods deal with it. :^:

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Alright. but i don't see any on here. it's like a ghost town.

It's not that they are not on -- probably they just log in private (not being shown as active users) since many users spam them with PMs if they happen to see them online.


At least that's what I think a mod said in a topic some time ago...

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Alright. but i don't see any on here. it's like a ghost town.

It's not that they are not on -- probably they just log in private (not being shown as active users) since many users spam them with PMs if they happen to see them online.


At least that's what I think a mod said in a topic some time ago...




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You have nothing to fear.. people will post comments like that. Just ignore it.


I haven't seen you post anything worthy of being temp banned nor do you seem a nuisance (yet).. so you're in the clear. If people derail your topics with comments like that, simply report them and let the led-by's or mods deal with it. :^:


Pretty much this. If it's that much of an issue that you're being harassed by making what you feel are worth-while topics, report the members and we'll deal with them. If a mod or forum leader thinks you might be over saturating the forum with topics, we'll let you know, but there doesn't need to be a particular rule for it - it should really fall under the "post with common sense" clause of our rules.

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