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We Need Quick Text!

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Sometimes my mic is charging or I just threw it at the dog, so from time to time I will text my friends or others while on a mission. The thing is while in free roam texting another player leaves you vulnerable or it looks as if you have frozen in place. Many times I was texting another player and either I got ran over, or the player I was texting to tell them to follow me to my Buzzard would get impatient and just drive off. Especially when I have a bounty on me and my friends or crew is hesitant to kill me I can just hit two buttons and "Kill Me for the Bounty" or add few quick texts like "Follow Me" or "I'm Getting My Buzzard/Tank/Jet" would be a nice addition. Thoughts (and this stupid computer is trying to auto-correct "texting" into "testing"

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