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LIFE Roleplay Group [PS3]


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Interested in joining, reply here or message me on Social Club




Once we get people to join up on this group we can make a crew on the Social Club and be set and organized. Roleplays can happen everyday at anytime in this group as long as we post the event about a hour ahead of time. Also, would have to have a mic and be active 4 days out of a week/7days.


If you're interested please let me know and let get some MATURE people to join in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Add me on PSN: ThousandFangs .

I currently play on weekends because of my end of course tests for my schooling.

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can someone please explain to me how these role play groups work, im interested

Edited by lazyassedlover
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I am down for Military role play if that interest any one. I am down for others, I just would like scenarios in advance


My rockstar psn is MD-Ken67


On line I can be found as MD-Ken. Word of advice.. If you look me up online and happen to find me in a session. Please say something before approaching me. I have tendencies to be violent ;-)


Here is my forum request



Edited by MD-Ken67
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